Arbeiten Sie mit Objekten mit Amazon S3 S3-Version unter Verwendung eines AWS SDK - AWS SDKCode-Beispiele

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Arbeiten Sie mit Objekten mit Amazon S3 S3-Version unter Verwendung eines AWS SDK

Wie das aussehen kann, sehen Sie am nachfolgenden Beispielcode:

  • Erstellen Sie einen versionierten S3 Bucket.

  • Rufen Sie alle Versionen eines Objekts ab.

  • Setzen Sie eine Richtlinie auf eine frühere Version zurück.

  • Löschen Sie ein versioniertes Objekt und stellen Sie es wieder her.

  • Löschen Sie alle Versionen eines Objekts dauerhaft.

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Erstellen Sie Funktionen, die S3-Aktionen umschließen.

def create_versioned_bucket(bucket_name, prefix): """ Creates an Amazon S3 bucket, enables it for versioning, and configures a lifecycle that expires noncurrent object versions after 7 days. Adding a lifecycle configuration to a versioned bucket is a best practice. It helps prevent objects in the bucket from accumulating a large number of noncurrent versions, which can slow down request performance. Usage is shown in the usage_demo_single_object function at the end of this module. :param bucket_name: The name of the bucket to create. :param prefix: Identifies which objects are automatically expired under the configured lifecycle rules. :return: The newly created bucket. """ try: bucket = s3.create_bucket( Bucket=bucket_name, CreateBucketConfiguration={ "LocationConstraint": s3.meta.client.meta.region_name }, )"Created bucket %s.", except ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou": logger.warning("Bucket %s already exists! Using it.", bucket_name) bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name) else: logger.exception("Couldn't create bucket %s.", bucket_name) raise try: bucket.Versioning().enable()"Enabled versioning on bucket %s.", except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't enable versioning on bucket %s.", raise try: expiration = 7 bucket.LifecycleConfiguration().put( LifecycleConfiguration={ "Rules": [ { "Status": "Enabled", "Prefix": prefix, "NoncurrentVersionExpiration": {"NoncurrentDays": expiration}, } ] } ) "Configured lifecycle to expire noncurrent versions after %s days " "on bucket %s.", expiration,, ) except ClientError as error: logger.warning( "Couldn't configure lifecycle on bucket %s because %s. " "Continuing anyway.",, error, ) return bucket def rollback_object(bucket, object_key, version_id): """ Rolls back an object to an earlier version by deleting all versions that occurred after the specified rollback version. Usage is shown in the usage_demo_single_object function at the end of this module. :param bucket: The bucket that holds the object to roll back. :param object_key: The object to roll back. :param version_id: The version ID to roll back to. """ # Versions must be sorted by last_modified date because delete markers are # at the end of the list even when they are interspersed in time. versions = sorted( bucket.object_versions.filter(Prefix=object_key), key=attrgetter("last_modified"), reverse=True, ) logger.debug( "Got versions:\n%s", "\n".join( [ f"\t{version.version_id}, last modified {version.last_modified}" for version in versions ] ), ) if version_id in [ver.version_id for ver in versions]: print(f"Rolling back to version {version_id}") for version in versions: if version.version_id != version_id: version.delete() print(f"Deleted version {version.version_id}") else: break print(f"Active version is now {bucket.Object(object_key).version_id}") else: raise KeyError( f"{version_id} was not found in the list of versions for " f"{object_key}." ) def revive_object(bucket, object_key): """ Revives a versioned object that was deleted by removing the object's active delete marker. A versioned object presents as deleted when its latest version is a delete marker. By removing the delete marker, we make the previous version the latest version and the object then presents as *not* deleted. Usage is shown in the usage_demo_single_object function at the end of this module. :param bucket: The bucket that contains the object. :param object_key: The object to revive. """ # Get the latest version for the object. response = s3.meta.client.list_object_versions(, Prefix=object_key, MaxKeys=1 ) if "DeleteMarkers" in response: latest_version = response["DeleteMarkers"][0] if latest_version["IsLatest"]: "Object %s was indeed deleted on %s. Let's revive it.", object_key, latest_version["LastModified"], ) obj = bucket.Object(object_key) obj.Version(latest_version["VersionId"]).delete() "Revived %s, active version is now %s with body '%s'", object_key, obj.version_id, obj.get()["Body"].read(), ) else: logger.warning( "Delete marker is not the latest version for %s!", object_key ) elif "Versions" in response: logger.warning("Got an active version for %s, nothing to do.", object_key) else: logger.error("Couldn't get any version info for %s.", object_key) def permanently_delete_object(bucket, object_key): """ Permanently deletes a versioned object by deleting all of its versions. Usage is shown in the usage_demo_single_object function at the end of this module. :param bucket: The bucket that contains the object. :param object_key: The object to delete. """ try: bucket.object_versions.filter(Prefix=object_key).delete()"Permanently deleted all versions of object %s.", object_key) except ClientError: logger.exception("Couldn't delete all versions of %s.", object_key) raise

Laden Sie die Strophe eines Gedichts in ein versioniertes Objekt hoch und führen Sie eine Reihe von Aktionen dafür aus.

def usage_demo_single_object(obj_prefix="demo-versioning/"): """ Demonstrates usage of versioned object functions. This demo uploads a stanza of a poem and performs a series of revisions, deletions, and revivals on it. :param obj_prefix: The prefix to assign to objects created by this demo. """ with open("father_william.txt") as file: stanzas ="\n\n") width = get_terminal_size((80, 20))[0] print("-" * width) print("Welcome to the usage demonstration of Amazon S3 versioning.") print( "This demonstration uploads a single stanza of a poem to an Amazon " "S3 bucket and then applies various revisions to it." ) print("-" * width) print("Creating a version-enabled bucket for the demo...") bucket = create_versioned_bucket("bucket-" + str(uuid.uuid1()), obj_prefix) print("\nThe initial version of our stanza:") print(stanzas[0]) # Add the first stanza and revise it a few times. print("\nApplying some revisions to the stanza...") obj_stanza_1 = bucket.Object(f"{obj_prefix}stanza-1") obj_stanza_1.put(Body=bytes(stanzas[0], "utf-8")) obj_stanza_1.put(Body=bytes(stanzas[0].upper(), "utf-8")) obj_stanza_1.put(Body=bytes(stanzas[0].lower(), "utf-8")) obj_stanza_1.put(Body=bytes(stanzas[0][::-1], "utf-8")) print( "The latest version of the stanza is now:", obj_stanza_1.get()["Body"].read().decode("utf-8"), sep="\n", ) # Versions are returned in order, most recent first. obj_stanza_1_versions = bucket.object_versions.filter(Prefix=obj_stanza_1.key) print( "The version data of the stanza revisions:", *[ f" {version.version_id}, last modified {version.last_modified}" for version in obj_stanza_1_versions ], sep="\n", ) # Rollback two versions. print("\nRolling back two versions...") rollback_object(bucket, obj_stanza_1.key, list(obj_stanza_1_versions)[2].version_id) print( "The latest version of the stanza:", obj_stanza_1.get()["Body"].read().decode("utf-8"), sep="\n", ) # Delete the stanza print("\nDeleting the stanza...") obj_stanza_1.delete() try: obj_stanza_1.get() except ClientError as error: if error.response["Error"]["Code"] == "NoSuchKey": print("The stanza is now deleted (as expected).") else: raise # Revive the stanza print("\nRestoring the stanza...") revive_object(bucket, obj_stanza_1.key) print( "The stanza is restored! The latest version is again:", obj_stanza_1.get()["Body"].read().decode("utf-8"), sep="\n", ) # Permanently delete all versions of the object. This cannot be undone! print("\nPermanently deleting all versions of the stanza...") permanently_delete_object(bucket, obj_stanza_1.key) obj_stanza_1_versions = bucket.object_versions.filter(Prefix=obj_stanza_1.key) if len(list(obj_stanza_1_versions)) == 0: print("The stanza has been permanently deleted and now has no versions.") else: print("Something went wrong. The stanza still exists!") print(f"\nRemoving {}...") bucket.delete() print(f"{} deleted.") print("Demo done!")