Add a service-managed fleet to your developer farm in Deadline Cloud - Deadline Cloud

Add a service-managed fleet to your developer farm in Deadline Cloud

AWS CloudShell does not provide enough compute capacity to test larger workloads. It's also not configured to work with jobs that distribute tasks on multiple worker hosts.

Instead of using CloudShell,you can add an Auto Scaling service-managed fleet (SMF) to your developer farm. An SMF provides sufficient compute capacity for larger workloads and can handle jobs that need to distribute job tasks across multiple worker hosts. The scheduler will use both the SMF and CMF workers to run jobs, unless you shut down the CMF worker.

Before you add an SMF, you must set up a Deadline Cloud farm, queue, and fleet. See Create a Deadline Cloud farm.

To add a service-managed fleet to your developer farm
  1. Choose your first AWS CloudShell tab, then create the service managed fleet and add its fleet ID to .bashrc. This action makes it available for other terminal sessions.

    FLEET_ROLE_ARN="arn:aws:iam::$(aws sts get-caller-identity \ --query "Account" --output text):role/${DEV_FARM_NAME}FleetRole" aws deadline create-fleet \ --farm-id $DEV_FARM_ID \ --display-name "$DEV_FARM_NAME SMF" \ --role-arn $FLEET_ROLE_ARN \ --max-worker-count 5 \ --configuration \ '{ "serviceManagedEc2": { "instanceCapabilities": { "vCpuCount": { "min": 2, "max": 4 }, "memoryMiB": { "min": 512 }, "osFamily": "linux", "cpuArchitectureType": "x86_64" }, "instanceMarketOptions": { "type": "spot" } } }' echo "DEV_SMF_ID=$(aws deadline list-fleets \ --farm-id $DEV_FARM_ID \ --query "fleets[?displayName=='$DEV_FARM_NAME SMF'].fleetId \ | [0]" --output text)" >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc
  2. Associate the SMF with your queue.

    aws deadline create-queue-fleet-association \ --farm-id $DEV_FARM_ID \ --queue-id $DEV_QUEUE_ID \ --fleet-id $DEV_SMF_ID
  3. Note

    The scheduler will use both the SMF and CMF workers to run jobs, unless you shut down the CMF worker.

    Submit simple_file_job to the queue. When prompted to confirm the upload, enter y.

    deadline bundle submit simple_file_job \ -p InFile=simple_job/template.yaml \ -p OutFile=hash-jobattachments.txt
  4. Confirm the SMF is working correctly.

    deadline fleet get
    • The worker may take a few minutes to start.

    • The queueFleetAssociationsStatus for your customer managed fleet and service managed fleet will be ACTIVE.

    • The SMF autoScalingStatus will change from GROWING to STEADY.

    Your status will look similar to the following:

    fleetId: fleet-2cc78e0dd3f04d1db427e7dc1d51ea44 farmId: farm-63ee8d77cdab4a578b685be8c5561c4a displayName: DeveloperFarm SMF description: '' status: ACTIVE autoScalingStatus: STEADY targetWorkerCount: 0 workerCount: 0 minWorkerCount: 0 maxWorkerCount: 5
  5. View the log for the job that you submitted. This log is stored in a log in Amazon CloudWatch Logs, not the CloudShell file system.

    JOB_ID=$(deadline config get defaults.job_id) SESSION_ID=$(aws deadline list-sessions \ --farm-id $DEV_FARM_ID \ --queue-id $DEV_QUEUE_ID \ --job-id $JOB_ID \ --query "sessions[0].sessionId" \ --output text) aws logs tail /aws/deadline/$DEV_FARM_ID/$DEV_QUEUE_ID \ --log-stream-names $SESSION_ID

Next steps

After creating and testing a service-managed fleet, you should remove the resources that you created to avoid unnecessary charges.