Step 2: Create an Amazon Redshift Cluster - Database Migration Guide

Step 2: Create an Amazon Redshift Cluster

To store your data in the AWS cloud, you can use your existing Amazon Redshift cluster or create a new one. You don’t need to create any tables because AWS SCT automates this process.

If you don’t plan to migrate data as part of this walkthrough, you can skip this step. To see how AWS SCT converts your database code objects, use a virtual Amazon Redshift target in your project. For more information, see Using virtual targets.

To create an Amazon Redshift cluster

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Redshift console at

  2. On the navigation menu, choose Clusters.

  3. Choose Create cluster.

  4. For Cluster identifier, enter the unique name of your Amazon Redshift cluster.

  5. Choose Free trial.

  6. For Admin user name, enter the login for the admin user of your Amazon Redshift cluster.

  7. For Admin user password, enter the password for the admin user.

  8. Choose Create cluster.

After you create your Amazon Redshift database, configure a new database user. Then, use the credentials of this user in AWS SCT to access your Amazon Redshift cluster. We don’t recommend you to use the admin user for the migration.

Make sure that you grant the following privileges to this new user to complete the migration:

  • CREATE ON DATABASE — allows to create new schemas in the database.

  • GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE — allows to create new functions and procedures in the database.

  • GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA pg_catalog — provides the user with system information about the Amazon Redshift cluster.

  • GRANT SELECT ON pg_class_info — provides the user with information about tables distribution style.

You can use the following code example to create a database user and grant the privileges.

CREATE USER user_name PASSWORD your_password;
GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE db_name TO user_name;
GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE plpythonu TO user_name;
GRANT USAGE ON LANGUAGE plpgsql TO user_name;
GRANT SELECT ON pg_class_info TO user_name;
GRANT SELECT ON sys_serverless_usage TO user_name;
GRANT SELECT ON pg_database_info TO user_name;
GRANT SELECT ON pg_statistic TO user_name;

In the preceding example, replace user_name with the name of your user. Then, replace db_name with the name of your target Amazon Redshift database. Finally, replace your_password with a secure password.