Step 2: Add code - Amazon FinSpace

Step 2: Add code

You can load q code onto your kdb cluster so that you can run it when the cluster is running. Additionally, you can configure your cluster to automatically run a particular q command script on cluster startup. By default, q writes files uncompressed. You can pass command line arguments to set compression defaults .z.d at the time of creating a cluster from the console or through CLI, which can be updated later.


This step is required for the Gateway and Tickerplant cluster type.

On the Add code page, add the following details of your custom code that you want to use when analyzing the data in the cluster.

  1. (Optional) Specify the S3 URI and the Object version. You can choose the .zip file that contains code that should be available on the cluster.

  2. (Optional) For Initialization script, enter the relative path that contains a q program script that will run at the launch of a cluster. If you choose to load the database by using the initialization script, it will autoload on startup. If you add a changeset that has a missing sym file, the cluster creation fails.


    This step is optional. If you choose to enter the initialization script, you must also provide the S3 URI.

  3. (Optional) Enter key-value pairs as command-line arguments to configure the behavior of clusters. You can use the command-line arguments to set zip defaults for your clusters. For this, pass the following key-value pair:


    • Value: 17,2,6

      The value consists of comma separated three numbers that represent logical block size, algorithm, and compression level respectively. For more information, see compression parameters. You can also add the key-value pair when you update code configuration on a cluster.


    You can only add up to 50 key-value pairs.

    To set compression default using AWS CLI, use the following command:

    aws finspace create-kx-cluster \ ... --command-line-arguments '[{"key": "AWS_ZIP_DEFAULT", "value":"17,2,6"}]' \ ...
  4. Choose Next.


In case of failure, to stop cluster creation from an initialization script, use the .aws.stop_current_kx_cluster_creation function in the script.