Activating your Managed kdb Insights license - Amazon FinSpace

Activating your Managed kdb Insights license

To run Managed kdb Insights clusters, you must first have an existing kdb Insights license from KX. That kdb Insights license needs to be activated for your Managed kdb Insights environment(s). You're responsible for working directly with KX (KX Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of FD Technologies plc) to obtain this.

To activate an existing kdb Insights license for your Managed kdb Insights environment(s), do the following:

  • Contact your KX account manager or KX sales representative and provide them with the AWS account number for all the accounts where you want to use your Managed kdb Insights environment(s).

  • Once arranged with KX, the kdb Insights license will be automatically applied to your Managed kdb Insights environment(s).


    If you do not have an existing kdb Insights license, you can request a 30-day trial license from KX here. KX will then activate a 30-day trial license for you.

  • You will receive an activation email and your 30 day trial license will be automatically applied to your Managed kdb Insights environment.


If KX has already enabled a kdb license for use with Managed kdb Insights in your AWS account and the license has not expired, you can start using clusters in your environment as soon as it is created. You do not need to request a new license.