Die vorliegende Übersetzung wurde maschinell erstellt. Im Falle eines Konflikts oder eines Widerspruchs zwischen dieser übersetzten Fassung und der englischen Fassung (einschließlich infolge von Verzögerungen bei der Übersetzung) ist die englische Fassung maßgeblich.
Importieren Sie einen Signalkatalog (AWS CLI)
Sie können den ImportSignalCatalogAPI-Vorgang verwenden, um eine JSON-Datei hochzuladen, die bei der Erstellung eines Signalkatalogs hilft. Sie müssen die Vehicle Signal Specification (VSS)
Führen Sie den folgenden Befehl aus, um einen Signalkatalog zu importieren.
Ersetzen Sie ihn durch den Namen des Signalkatalogs, den Sie erstellen. -
(Optional) Ersetzen Sie die Beschreibung durch eine
, damit Sie den Signalkatalog leichter identifizieren können. -
Ersetzen Sie es durch den Namen der JSON-Zeichenfolgendatei, die in VSS definierte Signale enthält.
Weitere Informationen zur Konfiguration von Verzweigungen, Attributen, Sensoren und Aktuatoren finden Sie unter. Signale konfigurieren
aws iotfleetwise import-signal-catalog \ --name
\ --descriptiondescription
\ --vss file://signal-catalog-configuration-vss
Das JSON muss stringifiziert und durch das Feld übergeben werden. vssJson
Das Folgende ist ein Beispiel für Signale, die in VSS definiert sind.
{ "Vehicle": { "type": "branch", "children": { "Chassis": { "type": "branch", "description": "All data concerning steering, suspension, wheels, and brakes.", "children": { "SteeringWheel": { "type": "branch", "description": "Steering wheel signals", "children": { "Diameter": { "type": "attribute", "description": "The diameter of the steering wheel", "datatype": "float", "unit": "cm", "min": 1, "max": 50 }, "HandsOff": { "type": "branch", "children": { "HandsOffSteeringState": { "type": "actuator", "description": "HndsOffStrWhlDtSt. Hands Off Steering State", "datatype": "boolean" }, "HandsOffSteeringMode": { "type": "actuator", "description": "HndsOffStrWhlDtMd. Hands Off Steering Mode", "datatype": "int8", "min": 0, "max": 2 } } } } }, "Accelerator": { "type": "branch", "description": "", "children": { "AcceleratorPedalPosition": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Throttle__Position. Accelerator pedal position as percent. 0 = Not depressed. 100 = Fully depressed.", "datatype": "uint8", "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100.000035 } } } } }, "Powertrain": { "type": "branch", "description": "Powertrain data for battery management, etc.", "children": { "Transmission": { "type": "branch", "description": "Transmission-specific data, stopping at the drive shafts.", "children": { "VehicleOdometer": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Vehicle_Odometer", "datatype": "float", "unit": "km", "min": 0, "max": 67108863.984375 } } }, "CombustionEngine": { "type": "branch", "description": "Engine-specific data, stopping at the bell housing.", "children": { "Engine": { "type": "branch", "description": "Engine description", "children": { "timing": { "type": "branch", "description": "timing description", "children": { "run_time": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Engine run time", "datatype": "int16", "unit": "ms", "min": 0, "max": 10000 }, "idle_time": { "type": "sensor", "description": "Engine idle time", "datatype": "int16", "min": 0, "unit": "ms", "max": 10000 } } } } } } } } }, "Axle": { "type": "branch", "description": "Axle signals", "children": { "TireRRPrs": { "type": "sensor", "description": "TireRRPrs. Right rear Tire pressure in kilo-Pascal", "datatype": "float", "unit": "kPaG", "min": 0, "max": 1020 } } } } }, "Cameras": { "type": "branch", "description": "Branch to aggregate all cameras in the vehicle", "children": { "FrontViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Front view camera" }, "RearViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Rear view camera" }, "LeftSideViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Left side view camera" }, "RightSideViewCamera": { "type": "sensor", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.SVMCamera", "description": "Right side view camera" } } }, "ComplexDataTypes": { "VehicleDataTypes": { "type": "branch", "description": "Branch to aggregate all camera related higher order data types", "children": { "SVMCamera": { "type": "struct", "description": "This data type represents Surround View Monitor (SVM) camera system in a vehicle", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Make": { "type": "property", "description": "Make of the SVM camera", "datatype": "string", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Description": { "type": "property", "description": "Description of the SVM camera", "datatype": "string", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "FPS": { "type": "property", "description": "FPS of the SVM camera", "datatype": "double", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Orientation": { "type": "property", "description": "Orientation of the SVM camera", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.Orientation", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Range": { "type": "property", "description": "Range of the SVM camera", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.Range", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "RawData": { "type": "property", "description": "Represents binary data of the SVM camera", "datatype": "uint8[]", "dataencoding": "binary", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "CapturedFrames": { "type": "property", "description": "Represents selected frames captured by the SVM camera", "datatype": "VehicleDataTypes.Frame[]", "dataencoding": "typed", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } }, "Range": { "type": "struct", "description": "Range of a camera in centimeters", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Min": { "type": "property", "description": "Minimum range of a camera in centimeters", "datatype": "uint32", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Max": { "type": "property", "description": "Maximum range of a camera in centimeters", "datatype": "uint32", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } }, "Orientation": { "type": "struct", "description": "Orientation of a camera", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Front": { "type": "property", "description": "Indicates whether the camera is oriented to the front of the vehicle", "datatype": "boolean", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Rear": { "type": "property", "description": "Indicates whether the camera is oriented to the rear of the vehicle", "datatype": "boolean", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" }, "Side": { "type": "property", "description": "Indicates whether the camera is oriented to the side of the vehicle", "datatype": "boolean", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } }, "Frame": { "type": "struct", "description": "Represents a camera frame", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message", "children": { "Data": { "type": "property", "datatype": "string", "dataencoding": "binary", "comment": "Test comment", "deprecation": "Test deprecation message" } } } } } } }
Das folgende Beispiel zeigt dieselben Signale, die in VSS definiert sind, in einer JSON-Zeichenfolge.
{ "vssJson": "{\"Vehicle\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"children\":{\"Chassis\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"All data concerning steering, suspension, wheels, and brakes.\",\"children\":{\"SteeringWheel\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Steering wheel signals\",\"children\":{\"Diameter\":{\"type\":\"attribute\",\"description\":\"The diameter of the steering wheel\",\"datatype\":\"float\",\"unit\":\"cm\",\"min\":1,\"max\":50},\"HandsOff\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"children\":{\"HandsOffSteeringState\":{\"type\":\"actuator\",\"description\":\"HndsOffStrWhlDtSt. Hands Off Steering State\",\"datatype\":\"boolean\"},\"HandsOffSteeringMode\":{\"type\":\"actuator\",\"description\":\"HndsOffStrWhlDtMd. Hands Off Steering Mode\",\"datatype\":\"int8\",\"min\":0,\"max\":2}}}}},\"Accelerator\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"\",\"children\":{\"AcceleratorPedalPosition\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Throttle__Position. Accelerator pedal position as percent. 0 = Not depressed. 100 = Fully depressed.\",\"datatype\":\"uint8\",\"unit\":\"%\",\"min\":0,\"max\":100.000035}}}}},\"Powertrain\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Powertrain data for battery management, etc.\",\"children\":{\"Transmission\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Transmission-specific data, stopping at the drive shafts.\",\"children\":{\"VehicleOdometer\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Vehicle_Odometer\",\"datatype\":\"float\",\"unit\":\"km\",\"min\":0,\"max\":67108863.984375}}},\"CombustionEngine\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Engine-specific data, stopping at the bell housing.\",\"children\":{\"Engine\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Engine description\",\"children\":{\"timing\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"timing description\",\"children\":{\"run_time\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Engine run time\",\"datatype\":\"int16\",\"unit\":\"ms\",\"min\":0,\"max\":10000},\"idle_time\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"Engine idle time\",\"datatype\":\"int16\",\"min\":0,\"unit\":\"ms\",\"max\":10000}}}}}}}}},\"Axle\":{\"type\":\"branch\",\"description\":\"Axle signals\",\"children\":{\"TireRRPrs\":{\"type\":\"sensor\",\"description\":\"TireRRPrs. Right rear Tire pressure in kilo-Pascal\",\"datatype\":\"float\",\"unit\":\"kPaG\",\"min\":0,\"max\":1020}}}}}}" }
Sie können ein Demo-Skript
Die Daten des Bildverarbeitungssystems befinden sich in der Vorschauversion und können sich ändern.