AnalyticsPathFilter - Amazon Lex API Reference


Contains fields describing a condition by which to filter the paths. The expression may be understood as name operator values. For example:

  • LocaleId EQ en – The locale is "en".

  • BotVersion EQ 2 – The bot version is equal to two.

The operators that each filter supports are listed below:

  • BotAliasEQ.

  • BotVersionEQ.

  • LocaleIdEQ.

  • ModalityEQ.

  • ChannelEQ.



The category by which to filter the intent paths. The descriptions for each option are as follows:

  • BotAlias – The name of the bot alias.

  • BotVersion – The version of the bot.

  • LocaleId – The locale of the bot.

  • Modality – The modality of the session with the bot (audio, DTMF, or text).

  • Channel – The channel that the bot is integrated with.

Type: String

Valid Values: BotAliasId | BotVersion | LocaleId | Modality | Channel

Required: Yes


The operation by which to filter the category. The following operations are possible:

  • CO – Contains

  • EQ – Equals

  • GT – Greater than

  • LT – Less than

The operators that each filter supports are listed below:

  • BotAliasEQ.

  • BotVersionEQ.

  • LocaleIdEQ.

  • ModalityEQ.

  • ChannelEQ.

Type: String

Valid Values: EQ | GT | LT

Required: Yes


An array containing the values of the category by which to apply the operator to filter the results. You can provide multiple values if the operator is EQ or CO. If you provide multiple values, you filter for results that equal/contain any of the values. For example, if the name, operator, and values fields are Modality, EQ, and [Speech, Text], the operation filters for results where the modality was either Speech or Text.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 5 items.

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: