Monitor devices using AWS Network Manager - AWS Network Manager

Monitor devices using AWS Network Manager

Monitor device Amazon CloudWatch events on the Network Manager Monitoring page.

To monitor devices
  1. Access the Network Manager console at

  2. Under Connectivity, choose Global Networks.

  3. On the Global networks page, choose the global network ID.

  4. In the navigation pane, choose Devices.

  5. Choose the Monitoring tab.

  6. The Monitoring page displays data for the following:

    • Data In

    • Data Out

    • Tunnel down count Average

    (Optional) Metrics and events use the default time set up in the CloudWatch Events event. To set a custom time frame, choose Custom and then choose a Relative or Absolute time, and then choose if you want to see that date range in UTC or the edge location's Local time zone.

    Choose Add to dashboard to add this metric to your CloudWatch dashboard. For more information about using CloudWatch dashboards, see Using Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.


    The Add to dashboard option only works if your registered transit gateway is in the US West (Oregon) Region.