Using the CloudWatch Logs for troubleshooting - AWS HealthOmics

Using the CloudWatch Logs for troubleshooting

The CloudWatch Logs include run, task, and engine logs, which can be used to get updates on run progress or troubleshoot failed runs. The engine logs provide a detailed log of the data processing steps and analyses, and can be used to identify and correct errors. They are also useful for improving reproducibility and maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

To view the CloudWatch Logs for workflows using the console
  1. Open the HealthOmics console

  2. On the HealthOmics home page, choose in the upper left corner of the screen to open the navigation pane. Select Runs.

  3. Select the run from the runs list, which is organized by run ID.

  4. When the run details page opens, choose View Cloudwatch logs to view the run logs. This links you to the CloudWatch console.

  5. From the tasks page, select View Logstream to be linked to the engine logs for a further breakdown of errors.

Tasks logs can also be found in your AWS account log under the /aws/omics/WorkflowLog log group. Engine logs are only generated for failed workflow runs, and are organized in the log stream by run ID and engine, run/{run-id}/task/{task-id}.