Step 6: Authorize your Outposts server - AWS Outposts

Step 6: Authorize your Outposts server

To authorize the server, you must connect your laptop to the server with a USB cable, then use a command-based serial protocol to test the connection and authorize the server. In addition to IAM credentials, you need a USB cable, a laptop, and serial terminal software, such as PuTTY or screen, to complete these steps.

Alternatively, if you have an Android phone or tablet with a USB-C or micro-USB connector with USB On The Go (OTG) support, you can use the Outposts Server Activator app to walk you through the server-authorization process. You can download the app from Google Play

Consider the following information about authorizing the server:

  • To authorize the server, you or the party installing the server needs IAM credentials in the AWS account that contains the Outpost. For more information, see Step 1: Grant permissions to install the Outposts server.

  • You do not need to authenticate with the IAM credentials to test your connection.

  • Consider testing the connection before you use the export command to set IAM credentials as environment variables.

  • To protect your account, Outpost Configuration Tool never saves your IAM credentials.

  • To connect your laptop to the server, always plug the USB cable into your laptop first and then into the server.