Amazon Bedrock Runtime-Beispiele mit SDK für JavaScript (v3) - AWS SDK for JavaScript

Das AWS SDK for JavaScript V3-API-Referenzhandbuch beschreibt detailliert alle API-Operationen für die AWS SDK for JavaScript Version 3 (V3).

Die vorliegende Übersetzung wurde maschinell erstellt. Im Falle eines Konflikts oder eines Widerspruchs zwischen dieser übersetzten Fassung und der englischen Fassung (einschließlich infolge von Verzögerungen bei der Übersetzung) ist die englische Fassung maßgeblich.

Amazon Bedrock Runtime-Beispiele mit SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mithilfe von AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) mit Amazon Bedrock Runtime Aktionen ausführen und allgemeine Szenarien implementieren.

Aktionen sind Codeauszüge aus größeren Programmen und müssen im Kontext ausgeführt werden. Während Aktionen Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie einzelne Servicefunktionen aufrufen, können Sie Aktionen im Kontext der zugehörigen Szenarien und serviceübergreifenden Beispiele sehen.

Szenarien sind Codebeispiele, die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie eine bestimmte Aufgabe ausführen können, indem Sie mehrere Funktionen innerhalb desselben Services aufrufen.

Jedes Beispiel enthält einen Link zu GitHub, über den Sie Anweisungen zum Einrichten und Ausführen des Codes im Kontext finden.

Erste Schritte

Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen, wie Sie mit Amazon Bedrock beginnen können.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 /** * @typedef {Object} Content * @property {string} text * * @typedef {Object} Usage * @property {number} input_tokens * @property {number} output_tokens * * @typedef {Object} ResponseBody * @property {Content[]} content * @property {Usage} usage */ import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; const AWS_REGION = "us-east-1"; const MODEL_ID = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0"; const PROMPT = "Hi. In a short paragraph, explain what you can do."; const hello = async () => { console.log("=".repeat(35)); console.log("Welcome to the Amazon Bedrock demo!"); console.log("=".repeat(35)); console.log("Model: Anthropic Claude 3 Haiku"); console.log(`Prompt: ${PROMPT}\n`); console.log("Invoking model...\n"); // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: AWS_REGION }); // Prepare the payload for the model. const payload = { anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31", max_tokens: 1000, messages: [{ role: "user", content: [{ type: "text", text: PROMPT }] }], }; // Invoke Claude with the payload and wait for the response. const apiResponse = await client.send( new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId: MODEL_ID, }), ); // Decode and return the response(s) const decodedResponseBody = new TextDecoder().decode(apiResponse.body); /** @type {ResponseBody} */ const responseBody = JSON.parse(decodedResponseBody); const responses = responseBody.content; if (responses.length === 1) { console.log(`Response: ${responses[0].text}`); } else { console.log("Haiku returned multiple responses:"); console.log(responses); } console.log(`\nNumber of input tokens: ${responseBody.usage.input_tokens}`); console.log(`Number of output tokens: ${responseBody.usage.output_tokens}`); }; if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { await hello(); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeModelin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

AI21 Labs Jurassic-2

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 gesendet wird.

JavaScript SDK für (v3)

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Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an AI21 Labs Jurassic-2.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to AI21 Labs Jurassic-2. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Jurassic-2 Mid. const modelId = "ai21.j2-mid-v1"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the response text. const responseText = response.output.message.content[0].text; console.log(responseText); } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 gesendet wird.

SDK für (v3) JavaScript

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden.

// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { FoundationModels } from "../../config/foundation_models.js"; import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; /** * @typedef {Object} Data * @property {string} text * * @typedef {Object} Completion * @property {Data} data * * @typedef {Object} ResponseBody * @property {Completion[]} completions */ /** * Invokes an AI21 Labs Jurassic-2 model. * * @param {string} prompt - The input text prompt for the model to complete. * @param {string} [modelId] - The ID of the model to use. Defaults to "ai21.j2-mid-v1". */ export const invokeModel = async (prompt, modelId = "ai21.j2-mid-v1") => { // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Prepare the payload for the model. const payload = { prompt, maxTokens: 500, temperature: 0.5, }; // Invoke the model with the payload and wait for the response. const command = new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId, }); const apiResponse = await client.send(command); // Decode and return the response(s). const decodedResponseBody = new TextDecoder().decode(apiResponse.body); /** @type {ResponseBody} */ const responseBody = JSON.parse(decodedResponseBody); return responseBody.completions[0].data.text; }; // Invoke the function if this file was run directly. if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { const prompt = 'Complete the following in one sentence: "Once upon a time..."'; const modelId = FoundationModels.JURASSIC2_MID.modelId; console.log(`Prompt: ${prompt}`); console.log(`Model ID: ${modelId}`); try { console.log("-".repeat(53)); const response = await invokeModel(prompt, modelId); console.log(response); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeModelunter AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Amazon Titan Text

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Amazon Titan Text senden.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Amazon Titan Text.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Amazon Titan Text. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Titan Text Premier. const modelId = "amazon.titan-text-premier-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the response text. const responseText = response.output.message.content[0].text; console.log(responseText); } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie unter Converse in AWS SDK for JavaScript der API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Amazon Titan Text senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit verarbeiten.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Amazon Titan Text und verarbeiten Sie den Antwortstream in Echtzeit.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Amazon Titan Text. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Titan Text Premier. const modelId = "amazon.titan-text-premier-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseStreamCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the streamed response text in real-time. for await (const item of { if (item.contentBlockDelta) { process.stdout.write(; } } } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ConverseStreamin der AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Amazon Titan Text senden.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden.

// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { FoundationModels } from "../../config/foundation_models.js"; import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; /** * @typedef {Object} ResponseBody * @property {Object[]} results */ /** * Invokes an Amazon Titan Text generation model. * * @param {string} prompt - The input text prompt for the model to complete. * @param {string} [modelId] - The ID of the model to use. Defaults to "amazon.titan-text-express-v1". */ export const invokeModel = async ( prompt, modelId = "amazon.titan-text-express-v1", ) => { // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Prepare the payload for the model. const payload = { inputText: prompt, textGenerationConfig: { maxTokenCount: 4096, stopSequences: [], temperature: 0, topP: 1, }, }; // Invoke the model with the payload and wait for the response. const command = new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId, }); const apiResponse = await client.send(command); // Decode and return the response. const decodedResponseBody = new TextDecoder().decode(apiResponse.body); /** @type {ResponseBody} */ const responseBody = JSON.parse(decodedResponseBody); return responseBody.results[0].outputText; }; // Invoke the function if this file was run directly. if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { const prompt = 'Complete the following in one sentence: "Once upon a time..."'; const modelId = FoundationModels.TITAN_TEXT_G1_EXPRESS.modelId; console.log(`Prompt: ${prompt}`); console.log(`Model ID: ${modelId}`); try { console.log("-".repeat(53)); const response = await invokeModel(prompt, modelId); console.log(response); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeModelunter AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Anthropic Claude

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Anthropic Claude senden.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Anthropic Claude.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Anthropic Claude. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Claude 3 Haiku. const modelId = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the response text. const responseText = response.output.message.content[0].text; console.log(responseText); } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie unter Converse in der API-Referenz.AWS SDK for JavaScript

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Anthropic Claude senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit verarbeiten.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Anthropic Claude und verarbeiten Sie den Antwortstream in Echtzeit.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Anthropic Claude. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Claude 3 Haiku. const modelId = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseStreamCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the streamed response text in real-time. for await (const item of { if (item.contentBlockDelta) { process.stdout.write(; } } } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ConverseStreamin AWS SDK for JavaScript der API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Anthropic Claude gesendet wird.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden.

// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { FoundationModels } from "../../config/foundation_models.js"; import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; /** * @typedef {Object} ResponseContent * @property {string} text * * @typedef {Object} MessagesResponseBody * @property {ResponseContent[]} content * * @typedef {Object} Delta * @property {string} text * * @typedef {Object} Message * @property {string} role * * @typedef {Object} Chunk * @property {string} type * @property {Delta} delta * @property {Message} message */ /** * Invokes Anthropic Claude 3 using the Messages API. * * To learn more about the Anthropic Messages API, go to: * * * @param {string} prompt - The input text prompt for the model to complete. * @param {string} [modelId] - The ID of the model to use. Defaults to "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0". */ export const invokeModel = async ( prompt, modelId = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0", ) => { // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Prepare the payload for the model. const payload = { anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31", max_tokens: 1000, messages: [ { role: "user", content: [{ type: "text", text: prompt }], }, ], }; // Invoke Claude with the payload and wait for the response. const command = new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId, }); const apiResponse = await client.send(command); // Decode and return the response(s) const decodedResponseBody = new TextDecoder().decode(apiResponse.body); /** @type {MessagesResponseBody} */ const responseBody = JSON.parse(decodedResponseBody); return responseBody.content[0].text; }; /** * Invokes Anthropic Claude 3 and processes the response stream. * * To learn more about the Anthropic Messages API, go to: * * * @param {string} prompt - The input text prompt for the model to complete. * @param {string} [modelId] - The ID of the model to use. Defaults to "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0". */ export const invokeModelWithResponseStream = async ( prompt, modelId = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0", ) => { // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Prepare the payload for the model. const payload = { anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31", max_tokens: 1000, messages: [ { role: "user", content: [{ type: "text", text: prompt }], }, ], }; // Invoke Claude with the payload and wait for the API to respond. const command = new InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId, }); const apiResponse = await client.send(command); let completeMessage = ""; // Decode and process the response stream for await (const item of apiResponse.body) { /** @type Chunk */ const chunk = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(item.chunk.bytes)); const chunk_type = chunk.type; if (chunk_type === "content_block_delta") { const text =; completeMessage = completeMessage + text; process.stdout.write(text); } } // Return the final response return completeMessage; }; // Invoke the function if this file was run directly. if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { const prompt = 'Write a paragraph starting with: "Once upon a time..."'; const modelId = FoundationModels.CLAUDE_3_HAIKU.modelId; console.log(`Prompt: ${prompt}`); console.log(`Model ID: ${modelId}`); try { console.log("-".repeat(53)); const response = await invokeModel(prompt, modelId); console.log("\n" + "-".repeat(53)); console.log("Final structured response:"); console.log(response); } catch (err) { console.log(`\n${err}`); } }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeModelunter AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Modelle von Anthropic Claude senden und den Antwortstream drucken.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit zu verarbeiten.

// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { FoundationModels } from "../../config/foundation_models.js"; import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; /** * @typedef {Object} ResponseContent * @property {string} text * * @typedef {Object} MessagesResponseBody * @property {ResponseContent[]} content * * @typedef {Object} Delta * @property {string} text * * @typedef {Object} Message * @property {string} role * * @typedef {Object} Chunk * @property {string} type * @property {Delta} delta * @property {Message} message */ /** * Invokes Anthropic Claude 3 using the Messages API. * * To learn more about the Anthropic Messages API, go to: * * * @param {string} prompt - The input text prompt for the model to complete. * @param {string} [modelId] - The ID of the model to use. Defaults to "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0". */ export const invokeModel = async ( prompt, modelId = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0", ) => { // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Prepare the payload for the model. const payload = { anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31", max_tokens: 1000, messages: [ { role: "user", content: [{ type: "text", text: prompt }], }, ], }; // Invoke Claude with the payload and wait for the response. const command = new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId, }); const apiResponse = await client.send(command); // Decode and return the response(s) const decodedResponseBody = new TextDecoder().decode(apiResponse.body); /** @type {MessagesResponseBody} */ const responseBody = JSON.parse(decodedResponseBody); return responseBody.content[0].text; }; /** * Invokes Anthropic Claude 3 and processes the response stream. * * To learn more about the Anthropic Messages API, go to: * * * @param {string} prompt - The input text prompt for the model to complete. * @param {string} [modelId] - The ID of the model to use. Defaults to "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0". */ export const invokeModelWithResponseStream = async ( prompt, modelId = "anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0", ) => { // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Prepare the payload for the model. const payload = { anthropic_version: "bedrock-2023-05-31", max_tokens: 1000, messages: [ { role: "user", content: [{ type: "text", text: prompt }], }, ], }; // Invoke Claude with the payload and wait for the API to respond. const command = new InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId, }); const apiResponse = await client.send(command); let completeMessage = ""; // Decode and process the response stream for await (const item of apiResponse.body) { /** @type Chunk */ const chunk = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(item.chunk.bytes)); const chunk_type = chunk.type; if (chunk_type === "content_block_delta") { const text =; completeMessage = completeMessage + text; process.stdout.write(text); } } // Return the final response return completeMessage; }; // Invoke the function if this file was run directly. if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { const prompt = 'Write a paragraph starting with: "Once upon a time..."'; const modelId = FoundationModels.CLAUDE_3_HAIKU.modelId; console.log(`Prompt: ${prompt}`); console.log(`Model ID: ${modelId}`); try { console.log("-".repeat(53)); const response = await invokeModel(prompt, modelId); console.log("\n" + "-".repeat(53)); console.log("Final structured response:"); console.log(response); } catch (err) { console.log(`\n${err}`); } }

Cohere Command

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Cohere Command gesendet wird.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

Es gibt noch mehr dazu GitHub. Sie sehen das vollständige Beispiel und erfahren, wie Sie das AWS -Code-Beispiel-Repository einrichten und ausführen.

Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Cohere Command.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Cohere Command. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Command R. const modelId = "cohere.command-r-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the response text. const responseText = response.output.message.content[0].text; console.log(responseText); } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie unter Converse in der API-Referenz.AWS SDK for JavaScript

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Cohere Command senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit verarbeiten.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Cohere Command und verarbeiten Sie den Antwortstream in Echtzeit.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Cohere Command. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Command R. const modelId = "cohere.command-r-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseStreamCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the streamed response text in real-time. for await (const item of { if (item.contentBlockDelta) { process.stdout.write(; } } } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ConverseStreamin AWS SDK for JavaScript der API-Referenz.


Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama senden.

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Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Meta Llama. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Llama 3 8b Instruct. const modelId = "meta.llama3-8b-instruct-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the response text. const responseText = response.output.message.content[0].text; console.log(responseText); } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie unter Converse in der API-Referenz.AWS SDK for JavaScript

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit verarbeiten.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama und verarbeiten Sie den Antwortstream in Echtzeit.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Meta Llama. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Llama 3 8b Instruct. const modelId = "meta.llama3-8b-instruct-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseStreamCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the streamed response text in real-time. for await (const item of { if (item.contentBlockDelta) { process.stdout.write(; } } } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie ConverseStreamin AWS SDK for JavaScript der API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama 2 gesendet wird.

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Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden.

// Send a prompt to Meta Llama 2 and print the response. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region of your choice. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-west-2" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Llama 2 Chat 13B. const modelId = "meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1"; // Define the user message to send. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one sentence."; // Embed the message in Llama 2's prompt format. const prompt = `<s>[INST] ${userMessage} [/INST]`; // Format the request payload using the model's native structure. const request = { prompt, // Optional inference parameters: max_gen_len: 512, temperature: 0.5, top_p: 0.9, }; // Encode and send the request. const response = await client.send( new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(request), modelId, }), ); // Decode the native response body. /** @type {{ generation: string }} */ const nativeResponse = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(response.body)); // Extract and print the generated text. const responseText = nativeResponse.generation; console.log(responseText); // Learn more about the Llama 2 prompt format at: //
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeModelunter AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama 3 gesendet wird.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden.

// Send a prompt to Meta Llama 3 and print the response. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region of your choice. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-west-2" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Llama 3 8B Instruct. const modelId = "meta.llama3-8b-instruct-v1:0"; // Define the user message to send. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one sentence."; // Embed the message in Llama 3's prompt format. const prompt = ` <|begin_of_text|> <|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|> ${userMessage} <|eot_id|> <|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|> `; // Format the request payload using the model's native structure. const request = { prompt, // Optional inference parameters: max_gen_len: 512, temperature: 0.5, top_p: 0.9, }; // Encode and send the request. const response = await client.send( new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(request), modelId, }), ); // Decode the native response body. /** @type {{ generation: string }} */ const nativeResponse = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(response.body)); // Extract and print the generated text. const responseText = nativeResponse.generation; console.log(responseText); // Learn more about the Llama 3 prompt format at: //
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeModelunter AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama 2 senden und den Antwortstream drucken.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit zu verarbeiten.

// Send a prompt to Meta Llama 2 and print the response stream in real-time. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region of your choice. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-west-2" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Llama 2 Chat 13B. const modelId = "meta.llama2-13b-chat-v1"; // Define the user message to send. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one sentence."; // Embed the message in Llama 2's prompt format. const prompt = `<s>[INST] ${userMessage} [/INST]`; // Format the request payload using the model's native structure. const request = { prompt, // Optional inference parameters: max_gen_len: 512, temperature: 0.5, top_p: 0.9, }; // Encode and send the request. const responseStream = await client.send( new InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(request), modelId, }), ); // Extract and print the response stream in real-time. for await (const event of responseStream.body) { /** @type {{ generation: string }} */ const chunk = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(event.chunk.bytes)); if (chunk.generation) { process.stdout.write(chunk.generation); } } // Learn more about the Llama 3 prompt format at: //

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Meta Llama 3 senden und den Antwortstream drucken.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit zu verarbeiten.

// Send a prompt to Meta Llama 3 and print the response stream in real-time. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region of your choice. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-west-2" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Llama 3 8B Instruct. const modelId = "meta.llama3-8b-instruct-v1:0"; // Define the user message to send. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one sentence."; // Embed the message in Llama 3's prompt format. const prompt = ` <|begin_of_text|> <|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|> ${userMessage} <|eot_id|> <|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|> `; // Format the request payload using the model's native structure. const request = { prompt, // Optional inference parameters: max_gen_len: 512, temperature: 0.5, top_p: 0.9, }; // Encode and send the request. const responseStream = await client.send( new InvokeModelWithResponseStreamCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(request), modelId, }), ); // Extract and print the response stream in real-time. for await (const event of responseStream.body) { /** @type {{ generation: string }} */ const chunk = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(event.chunk.bytes)); if (chunk.generation) { process.stdout.write(chunk.generation); } } // Learn more about the Llama 3 prompt format at: //

Mistral KI

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Mistral senden.

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Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Mistral.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Mistral. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Mistral Large. const modelId = "mistral.mistral-large-2402-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the response text. const responseText = response.output.message.content[0].text; console.log(responseText); } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie unter Converse in der API-Referenz.AWS SDK for JavaScript

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Mistral senden und den Antwortstream in Echtzeit verarbeiten.

SDK für (v3) JavaScript

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Senden Sie mithilfe der Converse-API von Bedrock eine Textnachricht an Mistral und verarbeiten Sie den Antwortstream in Echtzeit.

// Use the Conversation API to send a text message to Mistral. import { BedrockRuntimeClient, ConverseStreamCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; // Create a Bedrock Runtime client in the AWS Region you want to use. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Set the model ID, e.g., Mistral Large. const modelId = "mistral.mistral-large-2402-v1:0"; // Start a conversation with the user message. const userMessage = "Describe the purpose of a 'hello world' program in one line."; const conversation = [ { role: "user", content: [{ text: userMessage }], }, ]; // Create a command with the model ID, the message, and a basic configuration. const command = new ConverseStreamCommand({ modelId, messages: conversation, inferenceConfig: { maxTokens: 512, temperature: 0.5, topP: 0.9 }, }); try { // Send the command to the model and wait for the response const response = await client.send(command); // Extract and print the streamed response text in real-time. for await (const item of { if (item.contentBlockDelta) { process.stdout.write(; } } } catch (err) { console.log(`ERROR: Can't invoke '${modelId}'. Reason: ${err}`); process.exit(1); }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie in der API-Referenz. ConverseStreamAWS SDK for JavaScript

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie mithilfe der Invoke Model API eine Textnachricht an Mistral-Modelle gesendet wird.

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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Verwenden Sie die Invoke Model API, um eine Textnachricht zu senden.

// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { FoundationModels } from "../../config/foundation_models.js"; import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime"; /** * @typedef {Object} Output * @property {string} text * * @typedef {Object} ResponseBody * @property {Output[]} outputs */ /** * Invokes a Mistral 7B Instruct model. * * @param {string} prompt - The input text prompt for the model to complete. * @param {string} [modelId] - The ID of the model to use. Defaults to "mistral.mistral-7b-instruct-v0:2". */ export const invokeModel = async ( prompt, modelId = "mistral.mistral-7b-instruct-v0:2", ) => { // Create a new Bedrock Runtime client instance. const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "us-east-1" }); // Mistral instruct models provide optimal results when embedding // the prompt into the following template: const instruction = `<s>[INST] ${prompt} [/INST]`; // Prepare the payload. const payload = { prompt: instruction, max_tokens: 500, temperature: 0.5, }; // Invoke the model with the payload and wait for the response. const command = new InvokeModelCommand({ contentType: "application/json", body: JSON.stringify(payload), modelId, }); const apiResponse = await client.send(command); // Decode and return the response. const decodedResponseBody = new TextDecoder().decode(apiResponse.body); /** @type {ResponseBody} */ const responseBody = JSON.parse(decodedResponseBody); return responseBody.outputs[0].text; }; // Invoke the function if this file was run directly. if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) { const prompt = 'Complete the following in one sentence: "Once upon a time..."'; const modelId = FoundationModels.MISTRAL_7B.modelId; console.log(`Prompt: ${prompt}`); console.log(`Model ID: ${modelId}`); try { console.log("-".repeat(53)); const response = await invokeModel(prompt, modelId); console.log(response); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }
  • Einzelheiten zur API finden Sie InvokeModelunter AWS SDK for JavaScript API-Referenz.


Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine Aufforderung vorbereiten und an eine Vielzahl von Large-Language Models (LLMs) auf Amazon Bedrock senden

SDK für JavaScript (v3)

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// Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { fileURLToPath } from "url"; import { Scenario, ScenarioAction, ScenarioInput, ScenarioOutput, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/scenario/index.js"; import { FoundationModels } from "../config/foundation_models.js"; /** * @typedef {Object} ModelConfig * @property {Function} module * @property {Function} invoker * @property {string} modelId * @property {string} modelName */ const greeting = new ScenarioOutput( "greeting", "Welcome to the Amazon Bedrock Runtime client demo!", { header: true }, ); const selectModel = new ScenarioInput("model", "First, select a model:", { type: "select", choices: Object.values(FoundationModels).map((model) => ({ name: model.modelName, value: model, })), }); const enterPrompt = new ScenarioInput("prompt", "Now, enter your prompt:", { type: "input", }); const printDetails = new ScenarioOutput( "print details", /** * @param {{ model: ModelConfig, prompt: string }} c */ (c) => console.log(`Invoking ${c.model.modelName} with '${c.prompt}'...`), { slow: false }, ); const invokeModel = new ScenarioAction( "invoke model", /** * @param {{ model: ModelConfig, prompt: string, response: string }} c */ async (c) => { const modelModule = await c.model.module(); const invoker = c.model.invoker(modelModule); c.response = await invoker(c.prompt, c.model.modelId); }, ); const printResponse = new ScenarioOutput( "print response", /** * @param {{ response: string }} c */ (c) => c.response, { slow: false }, ); const scenario = new Scenario("Amazon Bedrock Runtime Demo", [ greeting, selectModel, enterPrompt, printDetails, invokeModel, printResponse, ]); if (process.argv[1] === fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)) {; }