Beispiele für Step Functions mit AWS SDK for .NET - AWS SDK for .NET

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Beispiele für Step Functions mit AWS SDK for .NET

Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mithilfe der Funktionen AWS SDK for .NET with Step Aktionen ausführen und allgemeine Szenarien implementieren.

Basics sind Codebeispiele, die Ihnen zeigen, wie Sie die wesentlichen Operationen innerhalb eines Dienstes ausführen.

Aktionen sind Codeauszüge aus größeren Programmen und müssen im Kontext ausgeführt werden. Aktionen zeigen Ihnen zwar, wie Sie einzelne Servicefunktionen aufrufen, aber Sie können Aktionen im Kontext der zugehörigen Szenarien sehen.

Jedes Beispiel enthält einen Link zum vollständigen Quellcode, in dem Sie Anweisungen zum Einrichten und Ausführen des Codes im Kontext finden.

Erste Schritte

Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen, wie Sie mit Step Functions beginnen können.


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namespace StepFunctionsActions; using Amazon.StepFunctions; using Amazon.StepFunctions.Model; public class HelloStepFunctions { static async Task Main() { var stepFunctionsClient = new AmazonStepFunctionsClient(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Welcome to AWS Step Functions"); Console.WriteLine("Let's list up to 10 of your state machines:"); var stateMachineListRequest = new ListStateMachinesRequest { MaxResults = 10 }; // Get information for up to 10 Step Functions state machines. var response = await stepFunctionsClient.ListStateMachinesAsync(stateMachineListRequest); if (response.StateMachines.Count > 0) { response.StateMachines.ForEach(stateMachine => { Console.WriteLine($"State Machine Name: {stateMachine.Name}\tAmazon Resource Name (ARN): {stateMachine.StateMachineArn}"); }); } else { Console.WriteLine("\tNo state machines were found."); } } }


Wie das aussehen kann, sehen Sie am nachfolgenden Beispielcode:

  • Erstelle eine Aktivität.

  • Erstellen Sie einen Zustandsmaschine aus einer Amazon States-Sprachdefinition, die die zuvor erstellte Aktivität als Schritt enthält.

  • Führen Sie die Zustandsmaschine aus und reagieren Sie auf die Aktivität mit Benutzereingaben.

  • Rufen Sie nach Abschluss des Rechenlaufs den endgültigen Status und die Ausgabe ab und bereinigen Sie anschließend die Ressourcen.


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Führen Sie ein interaktives Szenario an einer Eingabeaufforderung aus.

global using System.Text.Json; global using Amazon.StepFunctions; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration; global using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console; global using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug; global using StepFunctionsActions; global using LogLevel = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel; using Amazon.IdentityManagement; using Amazon.IdentityManagement.Model; using Amazon.StepFunctions.Model; namespace StepFunctionsBasics; public class StepFunctionsBasics { private static ILogger _logger = null!; private static IConfigurationRoot _configuration = null!; private static IAmazonIdentityManagementService _iamService = null!; static async Task Main(string[] args) { // Set up dependency injection for AWS Step Functions. using var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args) .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddFilter("System", LogLevel.Debug) .AddFilter<DebugLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Information) .AddFilter<ConsoleLoggerProvider>("Microsoft", LogLevel.Trace)) .ConfigureServices((_, services) => services.AddAWSService<IAmazonStepFunctions>() .AddAWSService<IAmazonIdentityManagementService>() .AddTransient<StepFunctionsWrapper>() ) .Build(); _logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder.AddConsole(); }) .CreateLogger<StepFunctionsBasics>(); // Load configuration settings. _configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("settings.json") // Load test settings from .json file. .AddJsonFile("settings.local.json", true) // Optionally load local settings. .Build(); var activityName = _configuration["ActivityName"]; var stateMachineName = _configuration["StateMachineName"]; var roleName = _configuration["RoleName"]; var repoBaseDir = _configuration["RepoBaseDir"]; var jsonFilePath = _configuration["JsonFilePath"]; var jsonFileName = _configuration["JsonFileName"]; var uiMethods = new UiMethods(); var stepFunctionsWrapper = host.Services.GetRequiredService<StepFunctionsWrapper>(); _iamService = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IAmazonIdentityManagementService>(); // Load definition for the state machine from a JSON file. var stateDefinitionJson = File.ReadAllText($"{repoBaseDir}{jsonFilePath}{jsonFileName}"); Console.Clear(); uiMethods.DisplayOverview(); uiMethods.PressEnter(); uiMethods.DisplayTitle("Create activity"); Console.WriteLine("Let's start by creating an activity."); string activityArn; string stateMachineArn; // Check to see if the activity already exists. var activityList = await stepFunctionsWrapper.ListActivitiesAsync(); var existingActivity = activityList.FirstOrDefault(activity => activity.Name == activityName); if (existingActivity is not null) { activityArn = existingActivity.ActivityArn; Console.WriteLine($"Activity, {activityName}, already exists."); } else { activityArn = await stepFunctionsWrapper.CreateActivity(activityName); } // Swap the placeholder in the JSON file with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) // of the recently created activity. var stateDefinition = stateDefinitionJson.Replace("{{DOC_EXAMPLE_ACTIVITY_ARN}}", activityArn); uiMethods.DisplayTitle("Create state machine"); Console.WriteLine("Now we'll create a state machine."); // Find or create an IAM role that can be assumed by Step Functions. var role = await GetOrCreateStateMachineRole(roleName); // See if the state machine already exists. var stateMachineList = await stepFunctionsWrapper.ListStateMachinesAsync(); var existingStateMachine = stateMachineList.FirstOrDefault(stateMachine => stateMachine.Name == stateMachineName); if (existingStateMachine is not null) { Console.WriteLine($"State machine, {stateMachineName}, already exists."); stateMachineArn = existingStateMachine.StateMachineArn; } else { // Create the state machine. stateMachineArn = await stepFunctionsWrapper.CreateStateMachine(stateMachineName, stateDefinition, role.Arn); uiMethods.PressEnter(); } Console.WriteLine("The state machine has been created."); var describeStateMachineResponse = await stepFunctionsWrapper.DescribeStateMachineAsync(stateMachineArn); Console.WriteLine($"{describeStateMachineResponse.Name}\t{describeStateMachineResponse.StateMachineArn}"); Console.WriteLine($"Current status: {describeStateMachineResponse.Status}"); Console.WriteLine($"Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role assumed by the state machine: {describeStateMachineResponse.RoleArn}"); var userName = string.Empty; Console.Write("Before we start the state machine, tell me what should ChatSFN call you? "); userName = Console.ReadLine(); // Keep asking until the user enters a string value. while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { Console.Write("Enter your name: "); userName = Console.ReadLine(); } var executionJson = @"{""name"": """ + userName + @"""}"; // Start the state machine execution. Console.WriteLine("Now we'll start execution of the state machine."); var executionArn = await stepFunctionsWrapper.StartExecutionAsync(executionJson, stateMachineArn); Console.WriteLine("State machine started."); Console.WriteLine($"Thank you, {userName}. Now let's get started..."); uiMethods.PressEnter(); uiMethods.DisplayTitle("ChatSFN"); var isDone = false; var response = new GetActivityTaskResponse(); var taskToken = string.Empty; var userChoice = string.Empty; while (!isDone) { response = await stepFunctionsWrapper.GetActivityTaskAsync(activityArn, "MvpWorker"); taskToken = response.TaskToken; // Parse the returned JSON string. var taskJsonResponse = JsonDocument.Parse(response.Input); var taskJsonObject = taskJsonResponse.RootElement; var message = taskJsonObject.GetProperty("message").GetString(); var actions = taskJsonObject.GetProperty("actions").EnumerateArray().Select(x => x.ToString()).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($"\n{message}\n"); // Prompt the user for another choice. Console.WriteLine("ChatSFN: What would you like me to do?"); actions.ForEach(action => Console.WriteLine($"\t{action}")); Console.Write($"\n{userName}, tell me your choice: "); userChoice = Console.ReadLine(); if (userChoice?.ToLower() == "done") { isDone = true; } Console.WriteLine($"You have selected: {userChoice}"); var jsonResponse = @"{""action"": """ + userChoice + @"""}"; await stepFunctionsWrapper.SendTaskSuccessAsync(taskToken, jsonResponse); } await stepFunctionsWrapper.StopExecution(executionArn); Console.WriteLine("Now we will wait for the execution to stop."); DescribeExecutionResponse executionResponse; do { executionResponse = await stepFunctionsWrapper.DescribeExecutionAsync(executionArn); } while (executionResponse.Status == ExecutionStatus.RUNNING); Console.WriteLine("State machine stopped."); uiMethods.PressEnter(); uiMethods.DisplayTitle("State machine executions"); Console.WriteLine("Now let's take a look at the execution values for the state machine."); // List the executions. var executions = await stepFunctionsWrapper.ListExecutionsAsync(stateMachineArn); uiMethods.DisplayTitle("Step function execution values"); executions.ForEach(execution => { Console.WriteLine($"{execution.Name}\t{execution.StartDate} to {execution.StopDate}"); }); uiMethods.PressEnter(); // Now delete the state machine and the activity. uiMethods.DisplayTitle("Clean up resources"); Console.WriteLine("Deleting the state machine..."); await stepFunctionsWrapper.DeleteStateMachine(stateMachineArn); Console.WriteLine("State machine deleted."); Console.WriteLine("Deleting the activity..."); await stepFunctionsWrapper.DeleteActivity(activityArn); Console.WriteLine("Activity deleted."); Console.WriteLine("The Amazon Step Functions scenario is now complete."); } static async Task<Role> GetOrCreateStateMachineRole(string roleName) { // Define the policy document for the role. var stateMachineRolePolicy = @"{ ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"": [{ ""Sid"": """", ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Principal"": { ""Service"": """"}, ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole""}]}"; var role = new Role(); var roleExists = false; try { var getRoleResponse = await _iamService.GetRoleAsync(new GetRoleRequest { RoleName = roleName }); roleExists = true; role = getRoleResponse.Role; } catch (NoSuchEntityException) { // The role doesn't exist. Create it. Console.WriteLine($"Role, {roleName} doesn't exist. Creating it..."); } if (!roleExists) { var request = new CreateRoleRequest { RoleName = roleName, AssumeRolePolicyDocument = stateMachineRolePolicy, }; var createRoleResponse = await _iamService.CreateRoleAsync(request); role = createRoleResponse.Role; } return role; } } namespace StepFunctionsBasics; /// <summary> /// Some useful methods to make screen display easier. /// </summary> public class UiMethods { private readonly string _sepBar = new('-', Console.WindowWidth); /// <summary> /// Show information about the scenario. /// </summary> public void DisplayOverview() { Console.Clear(); DisplayTitle("Welcome to the AWS Step Functions Demo"); Console.WriteLine("This example application will do the following:"); Console.WriteLine("\t 1. Create an activity."); Console.WriteLine("\t 2. Create a state machine."); Console.WriteLine("\t 3. Start an execution."); Console.WriteLine("\t 4. Run the worker, then stop it."); Console.WriteLine("\t 5. List executions."); Console.WriteLine("\t 6. Clean up the resources created for the example."); } /// <summary> /// Display a message and wait until the user presses enter. /// </summary> public void PressEnter() { Console.Write("\nPress <Enter> to continue."); _ = Console.ReadLine(); } /// <summary> /// Pad a string with spaces to center it on the console display. /// </summary> /// <param name="strToCenter"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string CenterString(string strToCenter) { var padAmount = (Console.WindowWidth - strToCenter.Length) / 2; var leftPad = new string(' ', padAmount); return $"{leftPad}{strToCenter}"; } /// <summary> /// Display a line of hyphens, the centered text of the title, and another /// line of hyphens. /// </summary> /// <param name="strTitle">The string to be displayed.</param> public void DisplayTitle(string strTitle) { Console.WriteLine(_sepBar); Console.WriteLine(CenterString(strTitle)); Console.WriteLine(_sepBar); } }

Definieren Sie eine Klasse, die Zustandsmaschinen- und Aktivitätsaktionen umfasst.

namespace StepFunctionsActions; using Amazon.StepFunctions; using Amazon.StepFunctions.Model; /// <summary> /// Wrapper that performs AWS Step Functions actions. /// </summary> public class StepFunctionsWrapper { private readonly IAmazonStepFunctions _amazonStepFunctions; /// <summary> /// The constructor for the StepFunctionsWrapper. Initializes the /// client object passed to it. /// </summary> /// <param name="amazonStepFunctions">An initialized Step Functions client object.</param> public StepFunctionsWrapper(IAmazonStepFunctions amazonStepFunctions) { _amazonStepFunctions = amazonStepFunctions; } /// <summary> /// Create a Step Functions activity using the supplied name. /// </summary> /// <param name="activityName">The name for the new Step Functions activity.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the new activity.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateActivity(string activityName) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.CreateActivityAsync(new CreateActivityRequest { Name = activityName }); return response.ActivityArn; } /// <summary> /// Create a Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="stateMachineName">Name for the new Step Functions state /// machine.</param> /// <param name="definition">A JSON string that defines the Step Functions /// state machine.</param> /// <param name="roleArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task<string> CreateStateMachine(string stateMachineName, string definition, string roleArn) { var request = new CreateStateMachineRequest { Name = stateMachineName, Definition = definition, RoleArn = roleArn }; var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.CreateStateMachineAsync(request); return response.StateMachineArn; } /// <summary> /// Delete a Step Machine activity. /// </summary> /// <param name="activityArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of /// the activity.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteActivity(string activityArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DeleteActivityAsync(new DeleteActivityRequest { ActivityArn = activityArn }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } /// <summary> /// Delete a Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="stateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// state machine.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteStateMachine(string stateMachineArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DeleteStateMachineAsync(new DeleteStateMachineRequest { StateMachineArn = stateMachineArn }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } /// <summary> /// Retrieve information about the specified Step Functions execution. /// </summary> /// <param name="executionArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions execution.</param> /// <returns>The API response returned by the API.</returns> public async Task<DescribeExecutionResponse> DescribeExecutionAsync(string executionArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DescribeExecutionAsync(new DescribeExecutionRequest { ExecutionArn = executionArn }); return response; } /// <summary> /// Retrieve information about the specified Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="StateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions state machine to retrieve.</param> /// <returns>Information about the specified Step Functions state machine.</returns> public async Task<DescribeStateMachineResponse> DescribeStateMachineAsync(string StateMachineArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DescribeStateMachineAsync(new DescribeStateMachineRequest { StateMachineArn = StateMachineArn }); return response; } /// <summary> /// Retrieve a task with the specified Step Functions activity /// with the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN). /// </summary> /// <param name="activityArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of /// the Step Functions activity.</param> /// <param name="workerName">The name of the Step Functions worker.</param> /// <returns>The response from the Step Functions activity.</returns> public async Task<GetActivityTaskResponse> GetActivityTaskAsync(string activityArn, string workerName) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.GetActivityTaskAsync(new GetActivityTaskRequest { ActivityArn = activityArn, WorkerName = workerName }); return response; } /// <summary> /// List the Step Functions activities for the current account. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of ActivityListItems.</returns> public async Task<List<ActivityListItem>> ListActivitiesAsync() { var request = new ListActivitiesRequest(); var activities = new List<ActivityListItem>(); do { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.ListActivitiesAsync(request); if (response.NextToken is not null) { request.NextToken = response.NextToken; } activities.AddRange(response.Activities); } while (request.NextToken is not null); return activities; } /// <summary> /// Retrieve information about executions of a Step Functions /// state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="stateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions state machine.</param> /// <returns>A list of ExecutionListItem objects.</returns> public async Task<List<ExecutionListItem>> ListExecutionsAsync(string stateMachineArn) { var executions = new List<ExecutionListItem>(); ListExecutionsResponse response; var request = new ListExecutionsRequest { StateMachineArn = stateMachineArn }; do { response = await _amazonStepFunctions.ListExecutionsAsync(request); executions.AddRange(response.Executions); if (response.NextToken is not null) { request.NextToken = response.NextToken; } } while (response.NextToken is not null); return executions; } /// <summary> /// Retrieve a list of Step Functions state machines. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of StateMachineListItem objects.</returns> public async Task<List<StateMachineListItem>> ListStateMachinesAsync() { var stateMachines = new List<StateMachineListItem>(); var listStateMachinesPaginator = _amazonStepFunctions.Paginators.ListStateMachines(new ListStateMachinesRequest()); await foreach (var response in listStateMachinesPaginator.Responses) { stateMachines.AddRange(response.StateMachines); } return stateMachines; } /// <summary> /// Indicate that the Step Functions task, indicated by the /// task token, has completed successfully. /// </summary> /// <param name="taskToken">Identifies the task.</param> /// <param name="taskResponse">The response received from executing the task.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> SendTaskSuccessAsync(string taskToken, string taskResponse) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.SendTaskSuccessAsync(new SendTaskSuccessRequest { TaskToken = taskToken, Output = taskResponse }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } /// <summary> /// Start execution of an AWS Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="executionName">The name to use for the execution.</param> /// <param name="executionJson">The JSON string to pass for execution.</param> /// <param name="stateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions state machine.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Step Functions /// execution.</returns> public async Task<string> StartExecutionAsync(string executionJson, string stateMachineArn) { var executionRequest = new StartExecutionRequest { Input = executionJson, StateMachineArn = stateMachineArn }; var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.StartExecutionAsync(executionRequest); return response.ExecutionArn; } /// <summary> /// Stop execution of a Step Functions workflow. /// </summary> /// <param name="executionArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of /// the Step Functions execution to stop.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> StopExecution(string executionArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.StopExecutionAsync(new StopExecutionRequest { ExecutionArn = executionArn }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; } }


Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungCreateActivity.


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/// <summary> /// Create a Step Functions activity using the supplied name. /// </summary> /// <param name="activityName">The name for the new Step Functions activity.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the new activity.</returns> public async Task<string> CreateActivity(string activityName) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.CreateActivityAsync(new CreateActivityRequest { Name = activityName }); return response.ActivityArn; }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie CreateActivityin der AWS SDK for .NET APIReferenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungCreateStateMachine.


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/// <summary> /// Create a Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="stateMachineName">Name for the new Step Functions state /// machine.</param> /// <param name="definition">A JSON string that defines the Step Functions /// state machine.</param> /// <param name="roleArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role.</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task<string> CreateStateMachine(string stateMachineName, string definition, string roleArn) { var request = new CreateStateMachineRequest { Name = stateMachineName, Definition = definition, RoleArn = roleArn }; var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.CreateStateMachineAsync(request); return response.StateMachineArn; }

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDeleteActivity.


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/// <summary> /// Delete a Step Machine activity. /// </summary> /// <param name="activityArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of /// the activity.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteActivity(string activityArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DeleteActivityAsync(new DeleteActivityRequest { ActivityArn = activityArn }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie DeleteActivityin der AWS SDK for .NET APIReferenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDeleteStateMachine.


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/// <summary> /// Delete a Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="stateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// state machine.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> DeleteStateMachine(string stateMachineArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DeleteStateMachineAsync(new DeleteStateMachineRequest { StateMachineArn = stateMachineArn }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; }

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDescribeExecution.


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/// <summary> /// Retrieve information about the specified Step Functions execution. /// </summary> /// <param name="executionArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions execution.</param> /// <returns>The API response returned by the API.</returns> public async Task<DescribeExecutionResponse> DescribeExecutionAsync(string executionArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DescribeExecutionAsync(new DescribeExecutionRequest { ExecutionArn = executionArn }); return response; }

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungDescribeStateMachine.


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/// <summary> /// Retrieve information about the specified Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="StateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions state machine to retrieve.</param> /// <returns>Information about the specified Step Functions state machine.</returns> public async Task<DescribeStateMachineResponse> DescribeStateMachineAsync(string StateMachineArn) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.DescribeStateMachineAsync(new DescribeStateMachineRequest { StateMachineArn = StateMachineArn }); return response; }

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungGetActivityTask.


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/// <summary> /// Retrieve a task with the specified Step Functions activity /// with the specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN). /// </summary> /// <param name="activityArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of /// the Step Functions activity.</param> /// <param name="workerName">The name of the Step Functions worker.</param> /// <returns>The response from the Step Functions activity.</returns> public async Task<GetActivityTaskResponse> GetActivityTaskAsync(string activityArn, string workerName) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.GetActivityTaskAsync(new GetActivityTaskRequest { ActivityArn = activityArn, WorkerName = workerName }); return response; }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie GetActivityTaskin der AWS SDK for .NET APIReferenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungListActivities.


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/// <summary> /// List the Step Functions activities for the current account. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of ActivityListItems.</returns> public async Task<List<ActivityListItem>> ListActivitiesAsync() { var request = new ListActivitiesRequest(); var activities = new List<ActivityListItem>(); do { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.ListActivitiesAsync(request); if (response.NextToken is not null) { request.NextToken = response.NextToken; } activities.AddRange(response.Activities); } while (request.NextToken is not null); return activities; }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie ListActivitiesin der AWS SDK for .NET APIReferenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungListExecutions.


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/// <summary> /// Retrieve information about executions of a Step Functions /// state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="stateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions state machine.</param> /// <returns>A list of ExecutionListItem objects.</returns> public async Task<List<ExecutionListItem>> ListExecutionsAsync(string stateMachineArn) { var executions = new List<ExecutionListItem>(); ListExecutionsResponse response; var request = new ListExecutionsRequest { StateMachineArn = stateMachineArn }; do { response = await _amazonStepFunctions.ListExecutionsAsync(request); executions.AddRange(response.Executions); if (response.NextToken is not null) { request.NextToken = response.NextToken; } } while (response.NextToken is not null); return executions; }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie ListExecutionsin der AWS SDK for .NET APIReferenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungListStateMachines.


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/// <summary> /// Retrieve a list of Step Functions state machines. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of StateMachineListItem objects.</returns> public async Task<List<StateMachineListItem>> ListStateMachinesAsync() { var stateMachines = new List<StateMachineListItem>(); var listStateMachinesPaginator = _amazonStepFunctions.Paginators.ListStateMachines(new ListStateMachinesRequest()); await foreach (var response in listStateMachinesPaginator.Responses) { stateMachines.AddRange(response.StateMachines); } return stateMachines; }

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungSendTaskSuccess.


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/// <summary> /// Indicate that the Step Functions task, indicated by the /// task token, has completed successfully. /// </summary> /// <param name="taskToken">Identifies the task.</param> /// <param name="taskResponse">The response received from executing the task.</param> /// <returns>A Boolean value indicating the success of the action.</returns> public async Task<bool> SendTaskSuccessAsync(string taskToken, string taskResponse) { var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.SendTaskSuccessAsync(new SendTaskSuccessRequest { TaskToken = taskToken, Output = taskResponse }); return response.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK; }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie SendTaskSuccessin der AWS SDK for .NET APIReferenz.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt die VerwendungStartExecution.


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/// <summary> /// Start execution of an AWS Step Functions state machine. /// </summary> /// <param name="executionName">The name to use for the execution.</param> /// <param name="executionJson">The JSON string to pass for execution.</param> /// <param name="stateMachineArn">The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the /// Step Functions state machine.</param> /// <returns>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS Step Functions /// execution.</returns> public async Task<string> StartExecutionAsync(string executionJson, string stateMachineArn) { var executionRequest = new StartExecutionRequest { Input = executionJson, StateMachineArn = stateMachineArn }; var response = await _amazonStepFunctions.StartExecutionAsync(executionRequest); return response.ExecutionArn; }
  • APIEinzelheiten finden Sie StartExecutionin der AWS SDK for .NET APIReferenz.