Configuring ServiceNow - AWS Service Management Connector

Configuring ServiceNow

This section shows you how to synchronize AWS Security Hub to the Connector in ServiceNow.

To configure AWS Security Hub synchronization behavior to the Connector in ServiceNow
  1. In the ServiceNow filter navigator in the fulfiller (stand user interface) view, enter AWS Service Management Connector.

  2. Choose System Properties, then AWS Security Hub.

  3. Set these configuration items:

    • Choose the types of AWS Security Hub Findings to sync in ServiceNow: CRITICAL, HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, and INFORMATIONAL.

    • Choose an action for a newly synced Finding to the Connector in ServiceNow:

      • Do Nothing. This action only imports Security Finding types for the scoped app. Users with scoped app permissions can view and choose to create an Incident or Problem. Do Nothing is the default value in the Connector.

      • Create Incident. This action automatically creates Incidents from Security Findings and syncs updates in ServiceNow to AWS Security Hub.

      • Create Problem. This action automatically creates Incidents from Security Findings and syncs updates in ServiceNow to AWS Security Hub.

      • Create Incident and Problem. This action automatically creates Incidents and Problems from Security Findings and syncs updates in ServiceNow to AWS Security Hub.

    • Adjust the maximum number of messages to fetch from the SQS queue per sync, account, or Region (default 50). By default, the sync process runs every five minutes.

    • Change the SQS Queue name if you’re not using the default that the Connector created. The CloudFormation template supplies the Connector.


      We recommend you not change the SQS name in the ServiceNow scoped app (AwsServiceManagementConnectorForSecurityHubQueue) unless you change the SQS name in the AWS account.

  4. Choose Save after any changes.

    Fields synchronized from AWS Security Hub Findings to the ServiceNow scoped app AWS Security Hub Findings module in ServiceNow

Region The Region that generated the Finding.
Account Id The account that generated the Finding.
Company Name The company that generated the Finding (e.g. AWS).
Compliance Whether a resource passes the configured compliance criteria. Contains status (PASSED, WARNING, FAILED, NOT_AVAILABLE). If the resource does not pass, it will contain information about the reason.
Created At The creation time of the Finding.
Description A description of the Finding.
Criticality The level of importance for the resource associated with the Finding.
First Observed At First observation of when Findings captured any potential security issues.
Last Observed at The most recent time Findings captured any potential security issues.
Product Name The name of the product that generates the Finding (such as Security Hub).
Product Arn The ARN of the product that generates the Finding.
Record State Either ACTIVE or ARCHIVED.
Severity (normalized) A value from 0 to 100 that indicates the severity of the problem associated with the Finding.
Title The title of the Finding.
Updated At When the Finding provider last updated the record.
Workflow Status The workflow status can be: NEW, ASSIGNED, IN PROGRESS, RESOLVED, DEFERRED, or DUPLICATE.
Remediation Text A description of suggested action to resolve the discovered issue.
Remediation Url A link to a resource that can resolve the discovered issue.

ServiceNow does not duplicate findings. If a Security Hub finding is sent to ServiceNow with the same finding ID as one previously sent to ServiceNow, we update the ticket with the most recent information in the finding.