Die vorliegende Übersetzung wurde maschinell erstellt. Im Falle eines Konflikts oder eines Widerspruchs zwischen dieser übersetzten Fassung und der englischen Fassung (einschließlich infolge von Verzögerungen bei der Übersetzung) ist die englische Fassung maßgeblich.
Bereitstellung der VPC-Architektur und der Microsoft Active Directory-Domänencontroller
Um die Effizienz zu steigern und allgemeine Aufgaben zu standardisieren, können Sie sich für die Automatisierung von Bereitstellungen entscheiden. Dies ist nützlich, wenn Sie regelmäßig dieselbe Architektur für mehrere Konten bereitstellen und AWS-Regionen. Durch die Automatisierung von Architekturbereitstellungen kann auch das Risiko menschlicher Fehler verringert werden, die bei der manuellen Bereitstellung der Architektur auftreten können. AWS Systems Manager Automatisierungsaktionen können Ihnen dabei helfen, dies zu erreichen. Automatisierung ist ein Werkzeug in AWS Systems Manager.
Das folgende AWS Systems Manager Beispiel-Runbook führt diese Aktionen aus:
Ruft das neueste Windows Server 2016 ab Amazon Machine Image (AMI) mit Systems Manager Parameter Store zur Verwendung beim Starten der EC2 Instanzen, die als Domänencontroller konfiguriert werden. Parameter Store ist ein Tool in AWS Systems Manager.
Verwendet die
Automatisierungsaktion, um mehrere AWS API-Operationen aufzurufen, um die VPC-Architektur zu erstellen. Die Domänencontroller-Instances werden in privaten Subnetzen gestartet und stellen über ein NAT-Gateway eine Verbindung zum Internet her. Dies ermöglicht die SSM Agent auf den Instanzen, um auf die erforderlichen Systems Manager Manager-Endpunkte zuzugreifen. -
Verwendet die
Automatisierungsaktion, um zu bestätigen, dass die durch die vorherige Aktion gestarteten Instanzen für geltenOnline
. AWS Systems Manager -
Verwendet die
Automatisierungsaktion zur Konfiguration der als Microsoft Active Directory-Domänencontroller gestarteten Instances.
--- description: Custom Automation Deployment Example schemaVersion: '0.3' parameters: AutomationAssumeRole: type: String default: '' description: >- (Optional) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to run this runbook. mainSteps: - name: getLatestWindowsAmi action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ssm Api: GetParameter Name: >- /aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base outputs: - Name: amiId Selector: $.Parameter.Value Type: String nextStep: createSSMInstanceRole - name: createSSMInstanceRole action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: iam Api: CreateRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: >- {"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":[{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":["ec2.amazonaws.com"]},"Action":["sts:AssumeRole"]}]} RoleName: sampleSSMInstanceRole nextStep: attachManagedSSMPolicy - name: attachManagedSSMPolicy action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: iam Api: AttachRolePolicy PolicyArn: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore' RoleName: sampleSSMInstanceRole nextStep: createSSMInstanceProfile - name: createSSMInstanceProfile action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: iam Api: CreateInstanceProfile InstanceProfileName: sampleSSMInstanceRole outputs: - Name: instanceProfileArn Selector: $.InstanceProfile.Arn Type: String nextStep: addSSMInstanceRoleToProfile - name: addSSMInstanceRoleToProfile action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: iam Api: AddRoleToInstanceProfile InstanceProfileName: sampleSSMInstanceRole RoleName: sampleSSMInstanceRole nextStep: createVpc - name: createVpc action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateVpc CidrBlock: outputs: - Name: vpcId Selector: $.Vpc.VpcId Type: String nextStep: getMainRtb - name: getMainRtb action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeRouteTables Filters: - Name: vpc-id Values: - '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' outputs: - Name: mainRtbId Selector: '$.RouteTables[0].RouteTableId' Type: String nextStep: verifyMainRtb - name: verifyMainRtb action: aws:assertAwsResourceProperty onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeRouteTables RouteTableIds: - '{{ getMainRtb.mainRtbId }}' PropertySelector: '$.RouteTables[0].Associations[0].Main' DesiredValues: - 'True' nextStep: createPubSubnet - name: createPubSubnet action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateSubnet CidrBlock: AvailabilityZone: us-west-2c VpcId: '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' outputs: - Name: pubSubnetId Selector: $.Subnet.SubnetId Type: String nextStep: createPubRtb - name: createPubRtb action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateRouteTable VpcId: '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' outputs: - Name: pubRtbId Selector: $.RouteTable.RouteTableId Type: String nextStep: createIgw - name: createIgw action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateInternetGateway outputs: - Name: igwId Selector: $.InternetGateway.InternetGatewayId Type: String nextStep: attachIgw - name: attachIgw action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: AttachInternetGateway InternetGatewayId: '{{ createIgw.igwId }}' VpcId: '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' nextStep: allocateEip - name: allocateEip action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: AllocateAddress Domain: vpc outputs: - Name: eipAllocationId Selector: $.AllocationId Type: String nextStep: createNatGw - name: createNatGw action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateNatGateway AllocationId: '{{ allocateEip.eipAllocationId }}' SubnetId: '{{ createPubSubnet.pubSubnetId }}' outputs: - Name: natGwId Selector: $.NatGateway.NatGatewayId Type: String nextStep: verifyNatGwAvailable - name: verifyNatGwAvailable action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty timeoutSeconds: 150 inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeNatGateways NatGatewayIds: - '{{ createNatGw.natGwId }}' PropertySelector: '$.NatGateways[0].State' DesiredValues: - available nextStep: createNatRoute - name: createNatRoute action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateRoute DestinationCidrBlock: NatGatewayId: '{{ createNatGw.natGwId }}' RouteTableId: '{{ getMainRtb.mainRtbId }}' nextStep: createPubRoute - name: createPubRoute action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateRoute DestinationCidrBlock: GatewayId: '{{ createIgw.igwId }}' RouteTableId: '{{ createPubRtb.pubRtbId }}' nextStep: setPubSubAssoc - name: setPubSubAssoc action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: AssociateRouteTable RouteTableId: '{{ createPubRtb.pubRtbId }}' SubnetId: '{{ createPubSubnet.pubSubnetId }}' - name: createDhcpOptions action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateDhcpOptions DhcpConfigurations: - Key: domain-name-servers Values: - ',' - Key: domain-name Values: - sample.com outputs: - Name: dhcpOptionsId Selector: $.DhcpOptions.DhcpOptionsId Type: String nextStep: createDCSubnet1 - name: createDCSubnet1 action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateSubnet CidrBlock: AvailabilityZone: us-west-2a VpcId: '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' outputs: - Name: firstSubnetId Selector: $.Subnet.SubnetId Type: String nextStep: createDCSubnet2 - name: createDCSubnet2 action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateSubnet CidrBlock: AvailabilityZone: us-west-2b VpcId: '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' outputs: - Name: secondSubnetId Selector: $.Subnet.SubnetId Type: String nextStep: createDCSecGroup - name: createDCSecGroup action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: CreateSecurityGroup GroupName: SampleDCSecGroup Description: Security Group for Sample Domain Controllers VpcId: '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' outputs: - Name: dcSecGroupId Selector: $.GroupId Type: String nextStep: authIngressDCTraffic - name: authIngressDCTraffic action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress GroupId: '{{ createDCSecGroup.dcSecGroupId }}' IpPermissions: - FromPort: -1 IpProtocol: '-1' IpRanges: - CidrIp: Description: Allow all traffic between Domain Controllers nextStep: verifyInstanceProfile - name: verifyInstanceProfile action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty maxAttempts: 5 onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: iam Api: ListInstanceProfilesForRole RoleName: sampleSSMInstanceRole PropertySelector: '$.InstanceProfiles[0].Arn' DesiredValues: - '{{ createSSMInstanceProfile.instanceProfileArn }}' nextStep: iamEventualConsistency - name: iamEventualConsistency action: aws:sleep inputs: Duration: PT2M nextStep: launchDC1 - name: launchDC1 action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: RunInstances BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: DeleteOnTermination: true VolumeSize: 50 VolumeType: gp2 - DeviceName: xvdf Ebs: DeleteOnTermination: true VolumeSize: 100 VolumeType: gp2 IamInstanceProfile: Arn: '{{ createSSMInstanceProfile.instanceProfileArn }}' ImageId: '{{ getLatestWindowsAmi.amiId }}' InstanceType: t2.micro MaxCount: 1 MinCount: 1 PrivateIpAddress: SecurityGroupIds: - '{{ createDCSecGroup.dcSecGroupId }}' SubnetId: '{{ createDCSubnet1.firstSubnetId }}' TagSpecifications: - ResourceType: instance Tags: - Key: Name Value: SampleDC1 outputs: - Name: pdcInstanceId Selector: '$.Instances[0].InstanceId' Type: String nextStep: launchDC2 - name: launchDC2 action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: RunInstances BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: DeleteOnTermination: true VolumeSize: 50 VolumeType: gp2 - DeviceName: xvdf Ebs: DeleteOnTermination: true VolumeSize: 100 VolumeType: gp2 IamInstanceProfile: Arn: '{{ createSSMInstanceProfile.instanceProfileArn }}' ImageId: '{{ getLatestWindowsAmi.amiId }}' InstanceType: t2.micro MaxCount: 1 MinCount: 1 PrivateIpAddress: SecurityGroupIds: - '{{ createDCSecGroup.dcSecGroupId }}' SubnetId: '{{ createDCSubnet2.secondSubnetId }}' TagSpecifications: - ResourceType: instance Tags: - Key: Name Value: SampleDC2 outputs: - Name: adcInstanceId Selector: '$.Instances[0].InstanceId' Type: String nextStep: verifyDCInstanceState - name: verifyDCInstanceState action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty inputs: Service: ec2 Api: DescribeInstanceStatus IncludeAllInstances: true InstanceIds: - '{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}' - '{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}' PropertySelector: '$.InstanceStatuses..InstanceState.Name' DesiredValues: - running nextStep: verifyInstancesOnlineSSM - name: verifyInstancesOnlineSSM action: aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty timeoutSeconds: 600 inputs: Service: ssm Api: DescribeInstanceInformation InstanceInformationFilterList: - key: InstanceIds valueSet: - '{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}' - '{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}' PropertySelector: '$.InstanceInformationList..PingStatus' DesiredValues: - Online nextStep: installADRoles - name: installADRoles action: aws:runCommand inputs: DocumentName: AWS-RunPowerShellScript InstanceIds: - '{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}' - '{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}' Parameters: commands: |- try { Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools } catch { Write-Error "Failed to install ADDS Role." } nextStep: setAdminPassword - name: setAdminPassword action: aws:runCommand inputs: DocumentName: AWS-RunPowerShellScript InstanceIds: - '{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}' Parameters: commands: - net user Administrator "sampleAdminPass123!" nextStep: createForest - name: createForest action: aws:runCommand inputs: DocumentName: AWS-RunPowerShellScript InstanceIds: - '{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}' Parameters: commands: |- $dsrmPass = 'sample123!' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force try { Install-ADDSForest -DomainName "sample.com" -DomainMode 6 -ForestMode 6 -InstallDNS -DatabasePath "D:\NTDS" -SysvolPath "D:\SYSVOL" -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $dsrmPass -Force } catch { Write-Error $_ } try { Add-DnsServerForwarder -IPAddress "" } catch { Write-Error $_ } nextStep: associateDhcpOptions - name: associateDhcpOptions action: aws:executeAwsApi onFailure: Abort inputs: Service: ec2 Api: AssociateDhcpOptions DhcpOptionsId: '{{ createDhcpOptions.dhcpOptionsId }}' VpcId: '{{ createVpc.vpcId }}' nextStep: waitForADServices - name: waitForADServices action: aws:sleep inputs: Duration: PT1M nextStep: promoteADC - name: promoteADC action: aws:runCommand inputs: DocumentName: AWS-RunPowerShellScript InstanceIds: - '{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}' Parameters: commands: |- ipconfig /renew $dsrmPass = 'sample123!' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force $domAdminUser = "sample\Administrator" $domAdminPass = "sampleAdminPass123!" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force $domAdminCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($domAdminUser,$domAdminPass) try { Install-ADDSDomainController -DomainName "sample.com" -InstallDNS -DatabasePath "D:\NTDS" -SysvolPath "D:\SYSVOL" -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $dsrmPass -Credential $domAdminCred -Force } catch { Write-Error $_ }
{ "description": "Custom Automation Deployment Example", "schemaVersion": "0.3", "assumeRole": "{{ AutomationAssumeRole }}", "parameters": { "AutomationAssumeRole": { "type": "String", "description": "(Optional) The ARN of the role that allows Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses your IAM permissions to run this runbook.", "default": "" } }, "mainSteps": [ { "name": "getLatestWindowsAmi", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ssm", "Api": "GetParameter", "Name": "/aws/service/ami-windows-latest/Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "amiId", "Selector": "$.Parameter.Value", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "createSSMInstanceRole" }, { "name": "createSSMInstanceRole", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "iam", "Api": "CreateRole", "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": "{\"Version\":\"2012-10-17\",\"Statement\":[{\"Effect\":\"Allow\",\"Principal\":{\"Service\":[\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"]},\"Action\":[\"sts:AssumeRole\"]}]}", "RoleName": "sampleSSMInstanceRole" }, "nextStep": "attachManagedSSMPolicy" }, { "name": "attachManagedSSMPolicy", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "iam", "Api": "AttachRolePolicy", "PolicyArn": "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore", "RoleName": "sampleSSMInstanceRole" }, "nextStep": "createSSMInstanceProfile" }, { "name": "createSSMInstanceProfile", "action":"aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "iam", "Api": "CreateInstanceProfile", "InstanceProfileName": "sampleSSMInstanceRole" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "instanceProfileArn", "Selector": "$.InstanceProfile.Arn", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "addSSMInstanceRoleToProfile" }, { "name": "addSSMInstanceRoleToProfile", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "iam", "Api": "AddRoleToInstanceProfile", "InstanceProfileName": "sampleSSMInstanceRole", "RoleName": "sampleSSMInstanceRole" }, "nextStep": "createVpc" }, { "name": "createVpc", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateVpc", "CidrBlock": "" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "vpcId", "Selector": "$.Vpc.VpcId", "Type": "String" } "nextStep": "getMainRtb" }, { "name": "getMainRtb", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeRouteTables", "Filters": [ { "Name": "vpc-id", "Values": ["{{ createVpc.vpcId }}"] } ] }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "mainRtbId", "Selector": "$.RouteTables[0].RouteTableId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "verifyMainRtb" }, { "name": "verifyMainRtb", "action": "aws:assertAwsResourceProperty", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeRouteTables", "RouteTableIds": ["{{ getMainRtb.mainRtbId }}"], "PropertySelector": "$.RouteTables[0].Associations[0].Main", "DesiredValues": ["True"] }, "nextStep": "createPubSubnet" }, { "name": "createPubSubnet", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateSubnet", "CidrBlock": "", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2c", "VpcId": "{{ createVpc.vpcId }}" }, "outputs":[ { "Name": "pubSubnetId", "Selector": "$.Subnet.SubnetId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "createPubRtb" }, { "name": "createPubRtb", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateRouteTable", "VpcId": "{{ createVpc.vpcId }}" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "pubRtbId", "Selector": "$.RouteTable.RouteTableId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "createIgw" }, { "name": "createIgw", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateInternetGateway" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "igwId", "Selector": "$.InternetGateway.InternetGatewayId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "attachIgw" }, { "name": "attachIgw", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "AttachInternetGateway", "InternetGatewayId": "{{ createIgw.igwId }}", "VpcId": "{{ createVpc.vpcId }}" }, "nextStep": "allocateEip" }, { "name": "allocateEip", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "AllocateAddress", "Domain": "vpc" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "eipAllocationId", "Selector": "$.AllocationId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "createNatGw" }, { "name": "createNatGw", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateNatGateway", "AllocationId": "{{ allocateEip.eipAllocationId }}", "SubnetId": "{{ createPubSubnet.pubSubnetId }}" }, "outputs":[ { "Name": "natGwId", "Selector": "$.NatGateway.NatGatewayId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "verifyNatGwAvailable" }, { "name": "verifyNatGwAvailable", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds": 150, "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeNatGateways", "NatGatewayIds": [ "{{ createNatGw.natGwId }}" ], "PropertySelector": "$.NatGateways[0].State", "DesiredValues": [ "available" ] }, "nextStep": "createNatRoute" }, { "name": "createNatRoute", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateRoute", "DestinationCidrBlock": "", "NatGatewayId": "{{ createNatGw.natGwId }}", "RouteTableId": "{{ getMainRtb.mainRtbId }}" }, "nextStep": "createPubRoute" }, { "name": "createPubRoute", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateRoute", "DestinationCidrBlock": "", "GatewayId": "{{ createIgw.igwId }}", "RouteTableId": "{{ createPubRtb.pubRtbId }}" }, "nextStep": "setPubSubAssoc" }, { "name": "setPubSubAssoc", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "AssociateRouteTable", "RouteTableId": "{{ createPubRtb.pubRtbId }}", "SubnetId": "{{ createPubSubnet.pubSubnetId }}" } }, { "name": "createDhcpOptions", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateDhcpOptions", "DhcpConfigurations": [ { "Key": "domain-name-servers", "Values": [","] }, { "Key": "domain-name", "Values": ["sample.com"] } ] }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "dhcpOptionsId", "Selector": "$.DhcpOptions.DhcpOptionsId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "createDCSubnet1" }, { "name": "createDCSubnet1", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateSubnet", "CidrBlock": "", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2a", "VpcId": "{{ createVpc.vpcId }}" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "firstSubnetId", "Selector": "$.Subnet.SubnetId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "createDCSubnet2" }, { "name": "createDCSubnet2", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateSubnet", "CidrBlock": "", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b", "VpcId": "{{ createVpc.vpcId }}" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "secondSubnetId", "Selector": "$.Subnet.SubnetId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "createDCSecGroup" }, { "name": "createDCSecGroup", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "CreateSecurityGroup", "GroupName": "SampleDCSecGroup", "Description": "Security Group for Example Domain Controllers", "VpcId": "{{ createVpc.vpcId }}" }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "dcSecGroupId", "Selector": "$.GroupId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "authIngressDCTraffic" }, { "name": "authIngressDCTraffic", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", "GroupId": "{{ createDCSecGroup.dcSecGroupId }}", "IpPermissions": [ { "FromPort": -1, "IpProtocol": "-1", "IpRanges": [ { "CidrIp": "", "Description": "Allow all traffic between Domain Controllers" } ] } ] }, "nextStep": "verifyInstanceProfile" }, { "name": "verifyInstanceProfile", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "maxAttempts": 5, "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "iam", "Api": "ListInstanceProfilesForRole", "RoleName": "sampleSSMInstanceRole", "PropertySelector": "$.InstanceProfiles[0].Arn", "DesiredValues": [ "{{ createSSMInstanceProfile.instanceProfileArn }}" ] }, "nextStep": "iamEventualConsistency" }, { "name": "iamEventualConsistency", "action": "aws:sleep", "inputs": { "Duration": "PT2M" }, "nextStep": "launchDC1" }, { "name": "launchDC1", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "RunInstances", "BlockDeviceMappings": [ { "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": true, "VolumeSize": 50, "VolumeType": "gp2" } }, { "DeviceName": "xvdf", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": true, "VolumeSize": 100, "VolumeType": "gp2" } } ], "IamInstanceProfile": { "Arn": "{{ createSSMInstanceProfile.instanceProfileArn }}" }, "ImageId": "{{ getLatestWindowsAmi.amiId }}", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "MaxCount": 1, "MinCount": 1, "PrivateIpAddress": "", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "{{ createDCSecGroup.dcSecGroupId }}" ], "SubnetId": "{{ createDCSubnet1.firstSubnetId }}", "TagSpecifications": [ { "ResourceType": "instance", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "SampleDC1" } ] } ] }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "pdcInstanceId", "Selector": "$.Instances[0].InstanceId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "launchDC2" }, { "name": "launchDC2", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "RunInstances", "BlockDeviceMappings": [ { "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": true, "VolumeSize": 50, "VolumeType": "gp2" } }, { "DeviceName": "xvdf", "Ebs": { "DeleteOnTermination": true, "VolumeSize": 100, "VolumeType": "gp2" } } ], "IamInstanceProfile": { "Arn": "{{ createSSMInstanceProfile.instanceProfileArn }}" }, "ImageId": "{{ getLatestWindowsAmi.amiId }}", "InstanceType": "t2.micro", "MaxCount": 1, "MinCount": 1, "PrivateIpAddress": "", "SecurityGroupIds": [ "{{ createDCSecGroup.dcSecGroupId }}" ], "SubnetId": "{{ createDCSubnet2.secondSubnetId }}", "TagSpecifications": [ { "ResourceType": "instance", "Tags": [ { "Key": "Name", "Value": "SampleDC2" } ] } ] }, "outputs": [ { "Name": "adcInstanceId", "Selector": "$.Instances[0].InstanceId", "Type": "String" } ], "nextStep": "verifyDCInstanceState" }, { "name": "verifyDCInstanceState", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "DescribeInstanceStatus", "IncludeAllInstances": true, "InstanceIds": [ "{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}", "{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}" ], "PropertySelector": "$.InstanceStatuses[0].InstanceState.Name", "DesiredValues": [ "running" ] }, "nextStep": "verifyInstancesOnlineSSM" }, { "name": "verifyInstancesOnlineSSM", "action": "aws:waitForAwsResourceProperty", "timeoutSeconds": 600, "inputs": { "Service": "ssm", "Api": "DescribeInstanceInformation", "InstanceInformationFilterList": [ { "key": "InstanceIds", "valueSet": [ "{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}", "{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}" ] } ], "PropertySelector": "$.InstanceInformationList[0].PingStatus", "DesiredValues": [ "Online" ] }, "nextStep": "installADRoles" }, { "name": "installADRoles", "action": "aws:runCommand", "inputs": { "DocumentName": "AWS-RunPowerShellScript", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}", "{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}" ], "Parameters": { "commands": [ "try {", " Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools", "}", "catch {", " Write-Error \"Failed to install ADDS Role.\"", "}" ] } }, "nextStep": "setAdminPassword" }, { "name": "setAdminPassword", "action": "aws:runCommand", "inputs": { "DocumentName": "AWS-RunPowerShellScript", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}" ], "Parameters": { "commands": [ "net user Administrator \"sampleAdminPass123!\"" ] } }, "nextStep": "createForest" }, { "name": "createForest", "action": "aws:runCommand", "inputs": { "DocumentName": "AWS-RunPowerShellScript", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ launchDC1.pdcInstanceId }}" ], "Parameters": { "commands": [ "$dsrmPass = 'sample123!' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force", "try {", " Install-ADDSForest -DomainName \"sample.com\" -DomainMode 6 -ForestMode 6 -InstallDNS -DatabasePath \"D:\\NTDS\" -SysvolPath \"D:\\SYSVOL\" -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $dsrmPass -Force", "}", "catch {", " Write-Error $_", "}", "try {", " Add-DnsServerForwarder -IPAddress \"\"", "}", "catch {", " Write-Error $_", "}" ] } }, "nextStep": "associateDhcpOptions" }, { "name": "associateDhcpOptions", "action": "aws:executeAwsApi", "onFailure": "Abort", "inputs": { "Service": "ec2", "Api": "AssociateDhcpOptions", "DhcpOptionsId": "{{ createDhcpOptions.dhcpOptionsId }}", "VpcId": "{{ createVpc.vpcId }}" }, "nextStep": "waitForADServices" }, { "name": "waitForADServices", "action": "aws:sleep", "inputs": { "Duration": "PT1M" }, "nextStep": "promoteADC" }, { "name": "promoteADC", "action": "aws:runCommand", "inputs": { "DocumentName": "AWS-RunPowerShellScript", "InstanceIds": [ "{{ launchDC2.adcInstanceId }}" ], "Parameters": { "commands": [ "ipconfig /renew", "$dsrmPass = 'sample123!' | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force", "$domAdminUser = \"sample\\Administrator\"", "$domAdminPass = \"sampleAdminPass123!\" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force", "$domAdminCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($domAdminUser,$domAdminPass)", "try {", " Install-ADDSDomainController -DomainName \"sample.com\" -InstallDNS -DatabasePath \"D:\\NTDS\" -SysvolPath \"D:\\SYSVOL\" -SafeModeAdministratorPassword $dsrmPass -Credential $domAdminCred -Force", "}", "catch {", " Write-Error $_", "}" ] } } } ] }