Targeted isolation - SaaS Lens

This whitepaper contains additional guidance not found in the SaaS Lens of the AWS Well-Architected Tool.

Targeted isolation

It’s important to note that the isolation choices in your system can be quite granular. Each microservice of your system and each resource those services touch has the option of being configured with a different model of isolation. Let’s look at some sample microservices to better understand how you might vary the isolation model across a varying microservices. The diagram in Figure 20 provides a view of microservices that use both the silo and pool models of isolation.

In this diagram, you’ll see a system that has implemented three different microservices: product, order, and account. The deployment and storage models of each of these microservices highlights how isolation (for security or noisy neighbor) could land in a SaaS environment.

Let’s review the isolation model for each of these services. The Product microservice at the top right was deployed in a complete pooled model where both the compute and the storage are shared for all tenants. The table here reflects that tenants all land here as separate items that are indexed in the same table. The assumption is that the data will be isolated with policies that can restrict access to tenant items in this table. The Order microservice is only for tenants 1 through 3 and also implemented in a pooled model. The only difference here is that it’s supporting a subset of tenants. Essentially, any tenant that doesn’t get a dedicated (silo) deployment of the Order microservice would be running in this pooled deployment (think of it as tenants 1..N with the exception of the few that get pulled out as silo microservices).

For the purposes of this discussion, let’s focus on the siloed services which are represented by the dedicated order microservices (top right) and the Account microservice (bottom). You’ll notice that we’ve deployed standalone instances of the Order microservice for tenants 4 and 5. The idea here is that these tenants had some requirements for the order processing (compliance, noisy neighbor, etc.) that required this service to be deployed in a silo model. Here the compute and storage are both dedicated entirely to each of these tenants.

Finally, at the bottom is the Account microservice which represents a silo model but only at the storage level. The compute of the microservice is shared by all tenants but each tenant has a dedicated database that holds its account data. In this scenario, the isolation concern is focused exclusively on separating the data. The compute is still enabled to be shared.

Figure 20: Targeted isolation

This model shows how the silo discussion becomes much more granular. Security, noisy neighbor, and a variety of factors will determine how and when you might adopt a silo isolation model for your services. The key takeaway here is that the silo model is not an all-or-nothing decision. You can think about applying the silo model to specific components of your application and only absorb this model’s challenges where it’s actually needed, such as when a potential customer demands its use. In this case, a more detailed discussion with the customer, you find out that there are only a few specific areas of storage and processing that are of concern. Doing so will enable you to get the efficiencies of the pool model for those parts of the system that do not require silo isolation and also give you the flexibility to offer a tiered structure to support a mix of both silo and pool models for individual services.