Create a SageMaker notebook instance and launch a Jupyter notebook - AWS DeepComposer

Create a SageMaker notebook instance and launch a Jupyter notebook

To create a notebook instance and launch a Jupyter notebook
  1. Sign in to the Amazon SageMaker console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Notebook instances.

  3. On the Notebook instances page, choose Create notebook instance.

  4. On the Create notebook instance page, for Notebook instance name, enter a name for the notebook instance.

  5. For Notebook instance type, choose an ml.p3.2xlarge instance.

  6. Under Permissions and encryptionChoose an IAM role to set up access permissions and encryption.

    • If you already have a SageMaker IAM role, choose it from the list.

    • If you're to SageMaker, create an IAM role by choosing Create a new role. On the Create an IAM role page, choose Any S3 bucket to give your role access to your S3 bucket. Choose Create Role.

    • Make sure Enable - Give users root access to the notebook is selected from the Root access menu.

  7. Choose Create role.

  8. On the Create a notebook instance page, choose IAM role, and then choose your IAM role from the list.

  9. Open the GitHub repositories panel.

  10. For Default repository, choose Clone a public Git repository to this notebook instance only.

  11. The Git repository called AR-CNN contains the Jupyter notebook required for this custom project. Copy this link and paste it into the field under Github repositories.

  12. Choose Create notebook instance.

  13. On the Notebook instances page, choose Open Jupyter to launch your new Jupyter notebook.