Training a reinforcement learning model in AWS DeepRacer Student - AWS DeepRacer Student

Training a reinforcement learning model in AWS DeepRacer Student

This walkthrough demonstrates how to train your first model in AWS DeepRacer Student. It also provides you with some useful tips to help you make the most of your experience and fast-track your learning.

Step 1: Train a reinforcement learning model using AWS DeepRacer Student

Begin your journey in AWS DeepRacer Student by learning where to find the Create model button and start training your first model. Keep in mind that creating and training a model is an iterative process. Experiment with different algorithms and reward functions to achieve your best results.

To train a reinforcement learning model
  1. In the AWS DeepRacer Student Home page, choose Create a model. Alternatively, navigate to Your Models in the left navigation pane. In the Models page, in Your models, choose Create model.

  2. In the Overview page, read about how to train a reinforcement model. Each step in the process is explained on this page. When you've finished reading, choose Next.

Step 2: Name your model

Name your model. It's good practice to give your models unique names to quickly locate individual models when you want to improve and clone them. For example, you may want to name your models using a naming convention such as: yourinitials-date-version.

To name your model
  1. On the Name your model page, enter a name in the Model name field.


    When you begin training a model, the model's name becomes fixed and is no longer changeable.

  2. Choose Next.

Step 3: Choose your track

Choose your simulation track. The track serves as the environment and provides data to your car. If you choose a very complex track, your car requires a longer total training time and the reward function you use is more complex.

To choose your track (environment)
  1. On the Choose track page, choose a track to serve as a training environment for your car.

  2. Choose Next.

Step 4: Choose an algorithm

The AWS DeepRacer Student has two training algorithms from which to choose. Different algorithms maximize rewards in different ways. To make the most of your AWS DeepRacer Student experience, experiment with both algorithms. For more information about algorithms, see AWS DeepRacer Training Algorithms.

To choose a training algorithm
  1. On the Choose algorithm type page, select an algorithm type. Two algorithm types are available:

    • Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). This stable but data hungry algorithm performs consistently between training iterations.

    • Soft Actor Critic (SAC). This unstable but data efficient algorithm can perform inconsistently between training iterations.

  2. Choose Next.

Step 5: Customize your reward function

The reward function is at the core of reinforcement learning. Use it to incentivize your car (agent) to take specific actions as it explores the track (environment). Just as you would encourage and discourage certain behaviors in a pet, you can use this tool to encourage your car to finish a lap as fast as possible and discourage it from driving off of the track and zig-zagging.

When training your first model, you may want to use a default sample reward function. When you're ready to experiment and optimize your model, you can customize the reward function by editing the code in the code editor. For more information about customizing the reward function, see Customizing a reward function.

To customize your reward function
  1. On the Customize reward function page, choose a sample reward function. There are 3 sample reward functions available that you can customize:

    • Follow the centerline. Rewards your car when it autonomously drives as close as it can to the centerline of the track.

    • Stay within borders. Rewards your car when it autonomously drives with all four wheels staying within the track borders.

    • Prevent zig-zag. Rewards your car for staying near the centerline. Penalizes your car if it uses high steering angles or goes off track.


    If you don't want to customize the reward function, choose Next.

  2. (Optional) Modify the reward function code.

    • Select a sample reward function and choose Walk me through this code.

    • For each section of the code, you can view more information by selecting the + to reveal a pop-up textbox with explantory text. Progress through the code walkthrough by choosing Next in each pop-up. To exit out of a pop-up textbox, choose the X in the corner. To exit the walkthrough, choose Finish.


      You can choose not to edit the sample reward function code by selecting Go with default code.

    • Optionally, edit the sample reward function code by selecting a sample reward function and choosing Edit sample code. Edit the code and select Validate to check your code. If your code can't be validated or you would like to reset the code to its original state, choose Reset.

  3. Choose Next.

Step 6: Choose duration and submit your model to the leaderboard

The duration of your model's training impacts its performance. When experimenting in the early phase of training, you should start with a small value for this parameter and then progressively train for longer periods of time.

In this step of training your model, your trained model is submitted to a leaderboard. You can opt out by deselecting the checkbox.

To choose duration and submit a model to the leaderboard
  1. On the Choose duration page, select a time in Choose duration of model training.

  2. In the Model description field, enter a useful description for your model that will help you to remember the selections you made.


    It's good practice to add information about your model such as current selections and modifications for the reward function and algorithm as well as your hypothesis about how the model will perform.

  3. Select the checkbox to automatically have your model submitted to the AWS DeepRacer Student leaderboard after training is complete. Optionally, you may opt out of entering your model by deselecting the checkbox.


    We recommend that you submit your model to the leaderboard. Submitting your model helps you to see how your model compares to others and provides you with feedback so you can improve your model.

  4. Choose Train your model.

  5. In the Initializing model training pop-up, choose Okay.

  6. On the Training configuration page, you can review your model's training status and configuration. You can also view a video of your model training on the selected track when the training Status is In progress. Watching the video can help you develop valuable insights that you can use to improve your model.

Step 7: View your model's performance on the leaderboard

After you have trained your model and submitted it to a leaderboard, you can view its performance.

To view your model's performance
  1. In the left navigation pane, navigate to and expand Compete. Choose a season. On the Leaderboard page, your model and your rank appear in a section. The page also includes a Leaderboard section with a list of the submitted models, race details, and a Race details section.

  2. In the page that displays the leaderboard, in the section with your profile, select Watch Video to view a video of your model's performance.

Step 8: Use Clone to improve your model

After you have trained and optionally submitted your model to a leaderboard, you can clone it to improve it. Cloning your model saves you steps and makes training more efficient by using a previously trained model as the starting point for a new model.

To clone and impove a model
  1. In AWS DeepRacer Student, in the left navigation pane, navigate to Your models.

  2. On the Your models page, select a model and choose Clone.

  3. In the Name your model field, provide a new name for your cloned model and choose Next.

  4. On the Customize a reward function page, customize the reward function and choose Next. For more information about customizing the reward function, see Step 5: Customize your reward function.

  5. In the Choose duration page, enter a time in the Choose duration of model training field, enter a description in the Model description field, and select the checkbox to submit the cloned model to the leaderboard.

  6. Choose Train your model. Your training is initialized. The Training configuration page appears with information about your cloned model. You can also view a video of your model training on the selected track when the training Status is In progress.

  7. Continue cloning and modifying your pre-trained models to achieve your best performance on the leaderboard.

Step 9: (Optional) Download a model

After training a model and optionally submitting it to the leaderboard, you may want to download it for future use on a AWS DeepRacer physical device. Your model is saved as a .tar.gz file.

To download a model
  1. In AWS DeepRacer Student, in the left navigation pane, navigate to Your models.

  2. On the Your models page, select a model and choose Download.

  3. Track the progress of the model download in your browser. When your model is downloaded, you can save it to your local hard drive or other preferred storage device.

    To learn more about working with AWS DeepRacer devices, see Operate Your AWS DeepRacer Vehicle in the AWS DeepRacer guide.