Disabling Amazon Detective - Amazon Detective

The content from the Amazon Detective Administration Guide is now consolidated into the Amazon Detective User Guide. Amazon Detective Administration Guide will reach its end of standard support on May 08, 2024.

Disabling Amazon Detective

The administrator account for a behavior graph can disable Amazon Detective from the Detective console, the Detective API, or AWS Command Line Interface. When you disable Detective, the behavior graph and its associated Detective data are deleted.

Once a behavior graph is deleted, it cannot be restored.

Disabling Detective (Console)

You can disable Amazon Detective from the AWS Management Console.

To disable Detective (console)
  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/detective/.

  2. In the Detective navigation pane, under Settings, choose General.

  3. On the General page, under Disable Detective, choose Disable Detective.

  4. When prompted to confirm, type disable.

  5. Choose Disable Detective.

Disabling Detective (Detective API, AWS CLI)

You can disable Amazon Detective from the Detective API or the AWS Command Line Interface. To get the ARN of your behavior graph to use in the request, use the ListGraphs operation.

To disable Detective (Detective API, AWS CLI)
  • Detective API: Use the DeleteGraph operation. You must provide the graph ARN.

  • AWS CLI: At the command line, run the delete-graph command.

    aws detective delete-graph --graph-arn <graph ARN>


    aws detective delete-graph --graph-arn arn:aws:detective:us-east-1:111122223333:graph:123412341234

Disabling Detective across Regions (Python script on GitHub)

Detective provides an open-source script in GitHub that allows you to disable Detective for an administrator account across a specified list of Regions.

For information on how to configure and use the GitHub scripts, see Using the Amazon Detective Python scripts.