Enabling a member account that is Not enabled - Amazon Detective

The content from the Amazon Detective Administration Guide is now consolidated into the Amazon Detective User Guide. Amazon Detective Administration Guide will reach its end of standard support on May 08, 2024.

Enabling a member account that is Not enabled

After a member account accepts an invitation, Amazon Detective checks the number of member accounts. The maximum number of member accounts for a behavior graph is 1,200. If your behavior graph already contains 1,200 member accounts, then new accounts cannot be enabled. If Detective cannot enable the member account, then it sets the member account status to Not enabled.

Member accounts that are Not enabled do not contribute data to the behavior graph.

Detective automatically enables accounts as the behavior graph can accommodate them.

You can also try to enable member accounts manually that are Not enabled member accounts. For example, you might remove existing member accounts to reduce the data volume. Instead of waiting for the automatic process to enable accounts, you can try to enable Not enabled member accounts.

Enabling a member account that is Not enabled (Console)

The member account list includes an option to enable selected member accounts that are Not enabled.

To enable a member account that is Not enabled
  1. Open the Amazon Detective console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/detective/.

  2. In the Detective navigation pane, choose Account management.

  3. Under My member accounts, select the check box for each member account to enable.

    You can only enable member accounts that have a status of Not enabled.

  4. Choose Enable accounts.

Detective determines whether the member account can be enabled. If the member account can be enabled, the status changes to Enabled.

Enabling a member account that is Not enabled (Detective API, AWS CLI)

You can use an API call or the AWS Command Line Interface to enable a single member account that is Not enabled. To get the ARN of your behavior graph to use in the request, use the ListGraphs operation.

To enable a member account that is Not enabled
  • Detective API: Use the StartMonitoringMember API operation. You must provide the behavior graph ARN. To identify the member account, use the AWS account identifier.

  • AWS CLI: At the command line, run the start-monitoring-member command:

    start-monitoring-member --graph-arn <behavior graph ARN> --account-id <AWS account ID>

    For example:

    start-monitoring-member --graph-arn arn:aws:detective:us-east-1:111122223333:graph:123412341234 --account-id 444455556666