Archiving an Amazon GuardDuty finding - Amazon Detective

Archiving an Amazon GuardDuty finding

When you complete your investigation of an Amazon GuardDuty finding, you can archive the finding from Amazon Detective. This saves you the trouble of having to return to GuardDuty to make the update. Archiving a finding indicates that you have finished your investigation of it.

You can only archive a GuardDuty finding from within Detective if you are also the GuardDuty administrator account for the account associated with the finding. If you are not a GuardDuty administrator account and you attempt to archive a finding, GuardDuty displays an error.

To archive a GuardDuty finding
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console. Then open the Detective console at

  2. In the Detective console, in the finding details panel, choose Archive finding.

  3. When prompted to confirm, choose Archive.

You can view archived GuardDuty findings in the GuardDuty console. The archived finding is stored in GuardDuty for 90-days and can be viewed at any time during that period. You can view suppressed findings in the GuardDuty console by selecting Archived from the findings table, or through the GuardDuty API using the ListFindings API with a findingCriteria criterion of service.archived equal to true. To learn more, see Suppression Rules in the Amazon GuardDuty User Guide.