Investigation phases and starting points - Amazon Detective

Investigation phases and starting points

Amazon Detective provides tools to support the overall investigation process. An investigation in Detective can start from a finding, a finding group, or an entity.

Investigation phases

Any investigation process involves the following phases:


The investigation process starts when you are notified about a suspected instance of malicious or high-risk activity. For example, you are assigned to look into findings or alerts uncovered by services such as Amazon GuardDuty and Amazon Inspector.

In the triage phase, you determine whether you believe the activity is a true positive (genuine malicious activity) or false positive (not malicious or high-risk activity). Detective profiles support the triage process by providing insight into the activity for the involved entity.

For true positive instances, you continue to the next phase.


During the scoping phase, analysts determine the extent of the malicious or high-risk activity and the underlying cause.

Scoping answers the following types of questions:

  • What systems and users were compromised?

  • Where did the attack originate?

  • How long has the attack been going on?

  • Is there other related activity to uncover? For example, if an attacker is extracting data from your system, how did they obtain it?

Detective visualizations can help you to identify other entities that were involved or affected.


The final step is to respond to the attack in order to stop the attack, minimize the damage, and prevent a similar attack from happening again.

Starting points for a Detective Investigation

Every investigation in Detective has an essential starting point. For example, you might be assigned an Amazon GuardDuty or AWS Security Hub finding to investigate. Or you might have a concern about unusual activity for a specific IP address.

Typical starting points for an investigation include findings detected by GuardDuty and entities extracted from Detective source data.

Findings detected by GuardDuty

GuardDuty uses your log data to uncover suspected instances of malicious or high-risk activity. Detective provides resources that help you investigate these findings.

For each finding, Detective provides the associated finding details. Detective also shows the entities, such as IP addresses and AWS accounts, that are connected to the finding.

You can then explore the activity for the involved entities to determine whether the detected activity from the finding is a genuine cause for concern.

For more information, see Analyzing a finding overview.

AWS security findings aggregated by Security Hub

AWS Security Hub aggregates security findings from various findings providers in a single place, and provides you with a comprehensive view of your security state in AWS. Security Hub eliminates the complexity of addressing large volumes of findings from multiple providers. It reduces the effort required to manage and improve the security of all of your AWS accounts, resources, and workloads. Detective provides resources that help you investigate these findings.

For each finding, Detective provides the associated finding details. Detective also shows the entities, such as IP addresses and AWS accounts, that are connected to the finding.

For more information, see Analyzing a finding overview.

Entities extracted from Detective source data

From the ingested Detective source data, Detective extracts entities such as IP addresses and AWS users. You can use one of these as an investigation starting point.

Detective provides general details about the entity, such as the IP address or user name. It also provides details on activity history. For example, Detective can report what other IP addresses an entity has connected to, been connected to, or used.

For more information, see Analyzing entities in Amazon Detective.