Secure Your Jupyter Server - Deep Learning AMI

Secure Your Jupyter Server

Here we set up Jupyter with SSL and a custom password.

Connect to the Amazon EC2 instance, and then complete the following procedure.

Configure the Jupyter server
  1. Jupyter provides a password utility. Run the following command and enter your preferred password at the prompt.

    $ jupyter notebook password

    The output will look something like this:

    Enter password: Verify password: [NotebookPasswordApp] Wrote hashed password to /home/ubuntu/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json
  2. Create a self-signed SSL certificate. Follow the prompts to fill out your locality as you see fit. You must enter . if you wish to leave a prompt blank. Your answers will not impact the functionality of the certificate.

    $ cd ~ $ mkdir ssl $ cd ssl $ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mykey.key -out mycert.pem

You might be interested in creating a regular SSL certificate that is third party signed and does not cause the browser to give you a security warning. This process is much more involved. Visit Jupyter's documention for more information.

Next Step

Start the Jupyter notebook server