Connect to Amazon DocumentDB from Microsoft Excel - Amazon DocumentDB

Connect to Amazon DocumentDB from Microsoft Excel

  1. Ensure that the Amazon DocumentDB driver has been correctly installed and configured. For additional information, refer to Setting up the ODBC driver in Windows.

  2. Launch Microsoft Excel.

  3. Navigate to Data > Get Data > From Other Sources.

  4. Choose From ODBC:

    Excel Data tab showing "From ODBC" option in the "Get Data" dropdown menu.
  5. Select the data source from the Data source name (DSN) drop down menu that is associated with Amazon DocumentDB:

    Drop-down menu showing data source options, with DocumentDB DSN highlighted.
  6. Choose the collection from which you want to load data into Excel:

    Navigator interface showing ODBC connection with salaries table preview displaying employee data.
  7. Load data into Excel:

    Excel spreadsheet showing salary data with columns for ID, name, email, salary, and location.