Update a sync configuration - Developer Tools console

Update a sync configuration

You can use the update-sync-configuration command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to update a specified sync configuration.

You can update the following information for your sync configuration:

  • --branch

  • --config-file

  • --repository-link-id

  • --resource-name

  • --role-arn

To update a sync configuration
  1. Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows). Use the AWS CLI to run the update-sync-configuration command, specifying the value you want to update, along with the resource name and sync type. For example, the following command updates the branch name associated to the sync configuration with the --branch parameter.

    aws codeconnections update-sync-configuration --sync-type CFN_STACK_SYNC --resource-name mystack --branch feature-branch
  2. This command returns the following output.

    { "SyncConfiguration": { "Branch": "feature-branch", "ConfigFile": "filename.yaml", "OwnerId": "owner_id", "ProviderType": "GitHub", "RepositoryLinkId": "6053346f-8a33-4edb-9397-10394b695173", "RepositoryName": "MyRepo", "ResourceName": "mystack", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account_id:role/myrole", "SyncType": "CFN_STACK_SYNC" }