View sync configuration details - Developer Tools console

View sync configuration details

You can use the get-sync-configuration command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to view details for a sync configuration.

To view details for a sync configuration
  1. Open a terminal (Linux, macOS, or Unix) or command prompt (Windows). Use the AWS CLI to run the get-sync-configuration command, specifying the repository link ID.

    aws codeconnections get-sync-configuration --sync-type CFN_STACK_SYNC --resource-name mystack
  2. This command returns the following output.

    { "SyncConfiguration": { "Branch": "main", "ConfigFile": "filename", "OwnerId": "owner_id", "ProviderType": "GitHub", "RepositoryLinkId": "be8f2017-b016-4a77-87b4-608054f70e77", "RepositoryName": "MyRepo", "ResourceName": "mystack", "RoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::account_id:role/myrole", "SyncType": "CFN_STACK_SYNC" } }