Monitoring pre and post script execution - Amazon EBS

Monitoring pre and post script execution

Amazon CloudWatch metrics

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager publishes the following CloudWatch metrics when pre and post scripts fail and succeed and when VSS backups fail and succeed.

  • PreScriptStarted

  • PreScriptCompleted

  • PreScriptFailed

  • PostScriptStarted

  • PostScriptCompleted

  • PostScriptFailed

  • VSSBackupStarted

  • VSSBackupCompleted

  • VSSBackupFailed

For more information, see Monitor your policies using Amazon CloudWatch.

Amazon EventBridge

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager emits the following Amazon EventBridge event when a pre or post script is initiated, succeeds, or fails

  • DLM Pre Post Script Notification

For more information, see Monitor your policies using CloudWatch Events.