Identifying snapshots created with pre and post scripts - Amazon EBS

Identifying snapshots created with pre and post scripts

Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager automatically assigns the following system tags to snapshots created with pre and post scripts.

  • Key: aws:dlm:pre-script; Value: SUCCESS|FAILED

    A tag value of SUCCESS indicates that the pre script executed successfully. A tag value of FAILED indicates that the pre script did not execute successfully.

  • Key: aws:dlm:post-script; Value: SUCCESS|FAILED

    A tag value of SUCCESS indicates that the post script executed successfully. A tag value of FAILED indicates that the post script did not execute successfully.

For custom SSM documents and SAP HANA backups, you can infer successful application-consistent snapshot creation if the snapshot is tagged with both aws:dlm:pre-script:SUCCESS and aws:dlm:post-script:SUCCESS.

Additionally, application-consistent snapshots created using VSS backup are automatically tagged with:

  • Key: AppConsistent tag; Value: true|false

    A tag value of true indicates that the VSS backup succeeded and that the snapshots are application-consistent. A tag value of false indicates that the VSS backup did not succeed and that the snapshots are not application-consistent.