Release: EB CLI 3.14.3 on July 19, 2018 - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Release: EB CLI 3.14.3 on July 19, 2018

The AWS Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Interface (EB CLI) released a new version with bug fixes and updates.

Release date: July 19, 2018


Here is a list of the key changes in this release.

Change Affected commands Description

Bug fix: incompatible --vpc arguments

eb create

Background: worker environments and single-instance web server environments are incompatible with some Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) features.

Bug: when you used the EB CLI to create one of these environment types with a custom VPC, the EB CLI didn't handle these VPC features correctly—it prompted for them in interactive mode, and didn't show an error if you specified these features as arguments.


In interactive mode (when you use the --vpc argument) the EB CLI now behaves as follows:

  • Worker environment: the EB CLI doesn't prompt you for ELB subnets and doesn't ask you to choose whether you want your load balancer or environment to be public.

  • Single-instance web server environment: the EB CLI doesn't prompt you for ELB subnets and doesn't ask you to choose whether you want your load balancer to be public.

In non-interactive mode (when you use specific --vpc.* arguments) the EB CLI now checks for the following error conditions:

  • You can't use the --tier worker argument with the vpc.publicip, --vpc.elbsubnets, or --vpc.elbpublic arguments.

  • You can't use the --single argument with the --vpc.elbsubnets or --vpc.elbpublic arguments.

Update: print UTC time stamps with events

Multiple commands

Previously, only eb events -f prefixed each event output line with a time stamp. Other commands that poll the Elastic Beanstalk service and print out event text didn't add time stamps. This made it harder to quickly analyze how much time various steps were taking.

With this release, the EB CLI adds UTC time stamps to all event text output for all relevant commands.

Affected eb commands: abort, clone, config, create, deploy, events, logs, platform, restore, scale, setenv, ssh, swap, tags, terminate, upgrade.

Update: PyYaml 3.13.0

All commands

We updated the PyYaml package dependency to version 3.13.0, which adds support for Python version 3.7.0.