Release: Elastic Beanstalk introduces Amazon EventBridge integration on November 04, 2020 - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Release: Elastic Beanstalk introduces Amazon EventBridge integration on November 04, 2020

AWS Elastic Beanstalk added integration with the Amazon EventBridge service. You can use EventBridge to detect and react to changes in the status of your Elastic Beanstalk resources.

Release date: November 04, 2020


Activity that occurs in your Elastic Beanstalk environments is recorded as an AWS CloudTrail event. You can view general information about configuration changes to your environments on the Events page in the Elastic Beanstalk console.

However, in some situations, you might want to have the ability to detect specific events and initiate target actions using other AWS services. For example, you may want to send an email notification by signaling an Amazon SNS topic when a production environment's health transitions to a Warning status. Or, if the environment's health status transitions to Degraded or Severe, you might want to use a Lambda function to pass a notification to a Slack channel. With this release, you can use Amazon EventBridge to set up event-driven rules that monitor your Elastic Beanstalk resources and initiate target actions that use other AWS services.

For more information, see Using Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon EventBridge in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide.