Release: Elastic Beanstalk launches new console design in AWS Region South America (São Paulo) on March 22, 2023 - AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Release: Elastic Beanstalk launches new console design in AWS Region South America (São Paulo) on March 22, 2023

AWS Elastic Beanstalk launches new console design in AWS Region South America (São Paulo).

Release date: March 22, 2023


Today we’re releasing a new console design in the AWS Region South America (São Paulo) – sa-east-1. This release introduces some significant design changes in the Elastic Beanstalk console.

The Create environment wizard has been redesigned to provide an intuitive flow with clear next steps. You can see the steps at a high level and easily identify which ones are optional. After you complete all of the desired and required information, all of your choices are summarized in a final review panel.

        Configure environment panel. Linkable steps on left side of panel. Marked optional if applicable.

        Review environment panel. Linkable steps on left side of panel. Marked optional if applicable.

To manage and monitor the environments of your existing applications, the Environment overview page shows a tabbed view of main environment details, including a list of recent environment-generated events, environment health, and monitoring metrics.

        Environment overview panel.

To try out our new console experience in the AWS Region South America (São Paulo), open the Elastic Beanstalk console. In the Regions list, select South America (São Paulo) – sa-east-1.

  • The new Elastic Beanstalk console design is being released in a phased rollout to all regions that Elastic Beanstalk supports.

  • The new console design is presently available in the following AWS Regions: South America (São Paulo), Europe (Ireland), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and beta release in US East (N. Virginia).

    To try out our new console experience in beta, open the Elastic Beanstalk console. In the Regions list, select US East (N. Virginia) – us-east-1. Then select the Try the new console button on the console banner to switch to the new console interface.