AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets - Elastic Load Balancing


Adds one or more subnets to the set of configured subnets for the specified load balancer.

The load balancer evenly distributes requests across all registered subnets. For more information, see Add or remove subnets for your Classic Load Balancer in the User Guide for Classic Load Balancers.

Request Parameters

For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, see Common Parameters.


The name of the load balancer.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The IDs of the subnets to add. You can add only one subnet per Availability Zone.

Type: Array of strings

Required: Yes

Response Elements

The following element is returned by the service.


The IDs of the subnets attached to the load balancer.

Type: Array of strings


For information about the errors that are common to all actions, see Common Errors.


The requested configuration change is not valid.

HTTP Status Code: 409


The specified VPC has no associated Internet gateway.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified load balancer does not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 400


One or more of the specified subnets do not exist.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Attach subnets

This example adds the specified subnet to the set of configured subnets for the specified load balancer.

Sample Request &LoadBalancerName=my-vpc-loadbalancer &Subnets.member.1=subnet-3561b05e &Version=2012-06-01 &AUTHPARAMS

Sample Response

<AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsResponse xmlns=""> <AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsResult> <Subnets> <member>subnet-119f0078</member> <member>subnet-3561b05e</member> </Subnets> </AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>07b1ecbc-1100-11e3-acaf-dd7edEXAMPLE</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </AttachLoadBalancerToSubnetsResponse>

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs, see the following: