List Pipelines - Amazon Elastic Transcoder

End of support notice: On November 13, 2025, AWS will discontinue support for Amazon Elastic Transcoder. After November 13, 2025, you will no longer be able to access the Elastic Transcoder console or Elastic Transcoder resources.

For more information about transitioning to AWS Elemental MediaConvert, visit this blog post.

List Pipelines


To get a list of the pipelines associated with the current AWS account, send a GET request to the /2012-09-25/pipelines/ resource.



To get information about all of the pipelines associated with the current AWS account, send the following GET request.

GET /2012-09-25/pipelines/Ascending=true|false& PageToken=value for accessing the next page of results HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: charset=UTF-8 Accept: */* Host: elastictranscoder.Elastic Transcoder x-amz-date: 20130114T174952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AccessKeyID/request-date/Elastic Transcoder endpoint/elastictranscoder/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=calculated-signature

Request Parameters

This operation takes the following request parameters. Elastic Transcoder returns all of the pipelines.


To list pipelines in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter true. To list pipelines in reverse chronological order, enter false.


When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use PageToken in subsequent GET requests to get each successive page of results.

Request Headers

This operation uses only request headers that are common to all operations. For information about common request headers, see HTTP Header Contents.

Request Body

This operation does not have a request body.



Status: 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: c321ec43-378e-11e2-8e4c-4d5b971203e9 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: number of characters in the response Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:01:47 GMT { "Pipelines":[ { "Id":"Id for the new pipeline", "Name":"pipeline name", "InputBucket":"Amazon S3 bucket that contains files to transcode and graphics to use as watermarks", "OutputBucket":"Use this, or use ContentConfig:Bucket plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket", "Role":"IAM role ARN", "AwsKmsKeyArn":"AWS-KMS key arn of the AWS-KMS key you want to use with this pipeline", "Notifications":{ "Progressing":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process the job", "Complete":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing the job", "Warning":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition" "Error":"SNS topic to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition" }, "ContentConfig":{ "Bucket":"Use this plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket, or use OutputBucket", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Canonical|Email|Group", "Grantee":"AWS user ID or CloudFront origin access identity"| "registered email address for AWS account"| AllUsers|AuthenticatedUsers|LogDelivery", "Access":[ "Read|ReadAcp|WriteAcp|FullControl", ... ] }, {...} ], "StorageClass":"Standard|ReducedRedundancy" }, "ThumbnailConfig":{ "Bucket":"Use this plus ContentConfig:Bucket, or use OutputBucket", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Canonical|Email|Group", "Grantee":"AWS user ID or CloudFront origin access identity"| "registered email address for AWS account"| AllUsers|AuthenticatedUsers|LogDelivery", "Access":[ "Read|ReadAcp|WriteAcp|FullControl", ... ] }, {...} ], "StorageClass":"Standard|ReducedRedundancy" }, "Status":"Active|Paused" }, {...} ], "NextPageToken":value for accessing the next page of results|null }

Response Headers

This operation uses only response headers that are common to most responses. For information about common response headers, see HTTP Responses.

Response Body

The JSON string in the response body returns the values that you specified when you created the pipelines. For more detail about the individual objects, see Settings that You Specify When You Create an Elastic Transcoder Pipeline.

In addition, Elastic Transcoder returns the following values.

(Automatic) Id

Identifier for the pipeline. You use this value to identify the pipeline in which you want to perform a variety of operations, for example, creating a job or a preset.

(Automatic) Status

The current status of the pipeline:

  • Active: The pipeline is processing jobs.

  • Paused: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.

(Automatic) NextPageToken

A value that you use to access the second and subsequent pages of results, if any. When the pipelines fit on one page or when you've reached the last page of results, the value of NextPageToken is null.


For information about Elastic Transcoder exceptions and error messages, see Handling Errors in Elastic Transcoder.


The following example request gets a list of the pipelines associated with the current AWS account.

Sample Request

GET /2012-09-25/pipelines HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: charset=UTF-8 Accept: */* Host: elastictranscoder.Elastic Transcoder x-amz-date: 20130114T174952Z Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AccessKeyID/request-date/Elastic Transcoder endpoint/elastictranscoder/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=calculated-signature

Sample Response

Status: 200 OK x-amzn-RequestId: c321ec43-378e-11e2-8e4c-4d5b971203e9 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: number of characters in the response Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2013 06:01:47 GMT { "Pipelines":[ { "Id":"1111111111111-abcde1", "Name":"Tokyo-Default", "InputBucket":"", "OutputBucket":"", "Role":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Elastic_Transcoder_Default _Role", "AwsKmsKeyArn":"base64 encoded key from KMS", "Notifications":{ "Progressing":"", "Complete":"", "Warning":"", "Error":"arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111222333444:ETS_Errors" }, "ContentConfig":{ "Bucket":"", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Email", "Grantee":"", "Access":[ "FullControl" ] } ], "StorageClass":"Standard" }, "ThumbnailConfig":{ "Bucket":" thumbnails", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Email", "Grantee":"", "Access":[ "FullControl" ] } ], "StorageClass":"ReducedRedundancy" }, "Status":"Active" }, { "Id":"2222222222222-abcde2", "Name":"Amsterdam-Default", "InputBucket":"", "OutputBucket":"", "Role":"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/Elastic_Transcoder_Default _Role", "AwsKmsKeyArn":"base64 encoded key from KMS", "Notifications":{ "Progressing":"", "Complete":"", "Warning":"", "Error":"arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111222333444:ETS_Errors" }, "ContentConfig":{ "Bucket":"", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Email", "Grantee":"", "Access":[ "FullControl" ] } ], "StorageClass":"Standard" }, "ThumbnailConfig":{ "Bucket":" thumbnails", "Permissions":[ { "GranteeType":"Email", "Grantee":"", "Access":[ "FullControl" ] } ], "StorageClass":"ReducedRedundancy" }, "Status":"Active" } ] }