GET List: Get List of All Channel Schedules - Conductor Live

GET List: Get List of All Channel Schedules

Get a list of active and inactive schedules for a given channel.

HTTP Request and Response

Request URL

GET http://<Conductor IP Address>/channels/<channel ID>/schedules

Call Header

  • Accept: Set to application/xml

If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers; see Header Content for User Authentication.


The response contains XML content consisting of one schedules element with the following.

  • An HREF attribute that specifies the product and version installed on the Conductor Live node.

  • Zero or more schedule elements, one for each schedule found. Each element contains several elements, as follows.

Element Value Type Description
id Integer The ID for this schedule, assigned by the system when the schedule is created.
name String The name that you assigned to the schedule.
active Boolean A switch indicating whether the schedule will run. “True” for active schedules that run at the appointed time and “false” for inactive schedules that do not run but are saved in the system and can be activated later.
duration Integer The length of time, in seconds, that the channel will run.
repeat Boolean A switch indicating whether the schedule will run more than one time.“True” for repeating schedules and “false” for schedules that run only once.
run_at Datetime The date and time that the schedule begins. This is present only for schedules that run only once.
cron CRON expression The expression which specifies the schedule according to the cron standard, as summarized in CRON Syntax Summary. This is present only for repeating schedules.