GET: Get the Attributes of a Profile - Conductor Live

GET: Get the Attributes of a Profile

Get the attributes of the specified profile.

HTTP Request and Response

Request URL

GET http://<Conductor IP address>/profiles/<ID of profile>

Call Header

  • Accept: Set to application/xml

If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers; see Header Content for User Authentication.


The response contains XML content consisting of one profile, with the same elements as the response for GET Profile List, above. For a sketch of XML structure, see Recommended Method for Working with Profiles.


This example shows the contents of a profile with the name Profile A, with the permalink “profile_a” (the name in lowercase with spaces replaced by underscores).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <profile href="/profiles/2" product="AWS Elemental Conductor Live" version="3.0.nnnnn"> <name>Profile A</name> <permalink>profile_a</permalink> <description></description> . . . </profile>