Passthrough of Live System Status - Conductor Live

Passthrough of Live System Status

You can pass through a request for the status of an AWS Elemental Live system within the Conductor cluster as well. This passthrough command is structured slightly differently from a live_event command.

HTTP Request and Response

Request URL

GET http://<Conductor IP address>/nodes/<ID of node>/system_status

where <ID of node> is the ID of the node as assigned by Conductor Live.

When the command is submitted, the Conductor Live API queries the appropriate AWS Elemental Live node and returns the system status as reported by that node.

Call Header

  • Accept: Set to application/xml

  • Content-Type: Set to application/xml

If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers; see Header Content for User Authentication.

Request Body

There is no body in the system_status command.


The response repeats back the response received from the Live API, exactly as received from that API.
