PUT: Modify a Router Output - Conductor Live

PUT: Modify a Router Output

Modify the attributes of the specified output on the specified router. Modify the attributes if a cable from the router output moves to a different SDI card input.

HTTP Request and Response

Request URL

PUT http://<Conductor IP address>/routers/<ID of router>/outputs/<ID of output>

Call Header

  • Accept: Set to application/xml

  • Content-Type: Set to application/xml

If you are implementing user authentication, you must also include three authorization headers; see Header Content for User Authentication.

Request Body

The body contains only the elements to change. For available elements, see POST: Create a Router.


This request changes the router output with the ID 4. This input belongs to the router with the ID 2. It changes its device_id to 3 to indicate that the connection represented by this router output is actually to the SDI input that has the ID 3.

PUT ------------------------------------------ Content-type:application/vnd.elemental+xml;version=3.3.0 Accept:application/xml ------------------------------------------ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <output> <device_ID>3</device_id> </output>