Creating VIPs - AWS Elemental Delta

This is version 2.3 of the AWS Elemental Delta documentation. This is the latest version. For prior versions, see the Previous Versions section of AWS Elemental Delta Documentation.

Creating VIPs

You can create a VIP for a common IP address for the web interface and REST API connections. When you connect via the VIP for management purposes, you go to the current leader node.


This VIP is not used for traffic ingest or output!

Important points:

  • Create VIPs for only the Ethernet devices on the ingest side. The Ethernet devices on the outgoing traffic side are configured on the load balancer, not in AWS Elemental Delta.

  • You can set up the VIP for either the device itself or for the bond.

To create a VIP
  1. On the web interface of the node that's intended to be the leader, choose Nodes.

  2. On the Nodes screen, click Add VIP.

  3. In the Add New Cluster VIP dialog, complete the fields from this table to create a VIP for eth0.

    Field Description
    Ethernet Interface eth0
    IP Address A valid IPv4 address. This address must be an address on your network that is never allocated to any other host.
    Broadcast Address This broadcast address typically matches the broadcast address on the interface to which the VIP is assigned.
    Netmask This Netmask typically matches the Netmask on the interface to which the VIP is assigned.
  4. Click Create.