Format of an SDP file for ancillary data - AWS Elemental Live

Format of an SDP file for ancillary data

v=0 o=- 1443716955 1443716955 IN IP4 s=st2110 0-9-0 t=0 0 m=video 20000 RTP/AVP 100 c=IN IP4 239.x.x.xx/64 a=source-filter: incl IN IP4 239.x.x.xx a=rtpmap:100 smpte291/90000 a=fmtp:100 VPID_Code=133; a=mediaclk:direct=0 rate=90000 a=ts-refclk:ptp=IEEE1588-2008:04-5c-6c-ff-fe-0a-53-70:127

Following is information about the data in this example:

  • o= This line identifies the source IP for the stream

  • m= The combination of m=video and smpte291 (in the a=rtpmap: line) identifies this file as an ancillary data file. 20000 is the port of the stream. This line must occur before the a lines.

  • c= identifies the destination IP address. This is a unicast or multicast address.

  • a=source-filter identifies a filter. This line is optional.

    In a file for an input to Elemental Live:

    • If the line is included, Elemental Live will listen only to the source IP ( for packets.

    • If the line isn't included, Elemental Live will listen to any packets on the destination IP address (239.x.x.x).

    In a file for an output: Elemental Live always includes this line in any SDP file that it creates.