Insertion options and the effect on outputs - AWS Elemental Live

Insertion options and the effect on outputs

In the input section: Insert in portion of all outputs

The static overlay can be inserted in the input section in a specific input.

Result: the portion of the output that is sourced from the given input includes the static overlay.

A typical use case for inserting in this section is if some of the inputs already have a static overlay in the desired location; you do not want to insert another static overlay over this existing static overlay. Therefore, you would insert the static overlay into the inputs that do not have an existing static overlay and omit it from inputs that do have an existing static overlay.

The static overlay will be burned into the video in this input after the input is decoded and before any global processors. This means that the static overlay “sticks” to its input; if the specified start time and duration extend beyond the end of the input, the static overlay will end when the input ends.

If you insert at the Input stage, be very careful with the start time and durations of the static overlays to avoid the static overlay ending abruptly.


In the Global Processors section: Insert in all outputs

The static overlay can be inserted in the Global Processors section. Result: The static overlay will be inserted in all outputs.

The static overlay is burned into the video after decoding and input-specific processing and before encoding and creation of individual streams and outputs.


In the Output section: Insert in one stream

The static overlay can be inserted in individual streams.


Result: The static overlay is inserted only in the outputs that are associated with those streams. The static overlay will be burned into the video only in the specified streams.

Overlay scaling for each insertion option

The following lists the overlay scaling for each insertion option:

  • If you insert the overlay in an input, then when (and if) the underlying video in each output is scaled up or down, the overlay is similarly scaled. The underlying video and overlay maintain their relative ratios. For example, if the overlay covers one quarter of the underlying video in the input, it will cover one quarter of the underlying video in every output.

  • If you insert the overlay in the global processors section, then when (and if) the underlying video in each stream assembly is scaled up or down, the overlay is similarly scaled.

  • If you insert the overlay in a stream assembly section, then when (and if) the underlying video in each stream assembly is scaled up or down, the overlay is not scaled. The overlay is added only after scaling. Therefore, if the event has two stream assemblies, the final effect of the overlay may be different. The overlay in one stream assembly may take up more room on the underlying video than the overlay in a stream assembly with a different resolution. But the advantage of adding in the stream assembly section is that you can specify different overlays for each assembly, each sized appropriately for that stream’s resolution.