Recommended testing procedure - AWS Elemental Live

Recommended testing procedure

We strongly recommend that you perform this performance testing before you deploy a new appliance into production.

  1. Design the lab tests as follows:

    • Set up all of the workflows that you expect to run on the appliance.

    • Obtain input that is a good example of the most complex source that you expect to handle. A complex source is one that has video that includes the following:

      • A lot of movement and change of scene.

      • Possibly a ticker tape or other strip of text.

      • Broad areas of the same color, like a grassy area, because high video quality of these areas is difficult to obtain.

    • Set up the events with the most complex outputs that you expect to run on the appliance. Include any high-demand features that you plan to implement. See Features that affect performance.

    • Run the events for several days.

  2. Monitor the events as described in this section:

  3. Revise the workflows in terms of density and video quality, and continue testing. You should revise the workflows incrementally.