Requirements for Motion Overlay Files - AWS Elemental Server

This is version 2.17 of the AWS Elemental Server documentation. This is the latest version. For prior versions, see the Previous Versions section of AWS Elemental Conductor File and AWS Elemental Server Documentation.

Requirements for Motion Overlay Files

General requirements for motion graphic files

Set up the files for your motion graphic as follows:

  • File type: Use .swf, .mov, or a set of sequential .png files.

  • Frame rate: Use any frame rate; it doesn't have to match the frame rate of the underlying video. Frame rate is embedded in .mov and .swf files; with a set of .png files you specify the frame rate when you set up the overlay.

  • Aspect ratio: Use any aspect ratio; it doesn't have to match the aspect ratio of the underlying video.

  • Size in pixels: Use any size. AWS Elemental Server scales the motion graphic with any outputs that have video scaling. Create the overlay in the size that looks how you want it when overlaid on your input video.

  • Location: Save your overlay files in one of the following places:

    • Local to the AWS Elemental Server system.

      For example: /data/assets/overlay_001.png

    • A remote server via a mount point.

      For example: /data/mnt/assets/overlay_001.png

    • AWS Elemental Server version 2.10 and later An Amazon S3 bucket, using SSL.

      For example: s3ssl://company.test/sample_bucket/overlay_001.png

    • AWS Elemental Server version 2.10 and later An Amazon S3 bucket, without SSL.

      For example: s3://company.test/sample_bucket/overlay_001.png

    For Amazon S3, use sse=true to enable S3 Server Side Encryption (SSE) and rrs=true to enable Reduced Redundancy Storage (RRS). Default values for RRS and SSE are false.

Additional requirements for sets of sequential .png files

Set up your .png motion image files follows:

  • Make sure that the names of the .png files end with sequential numbers that specify the order that they are played in. For example, overlay_000.png, overlay_001.png, overlay_002.png, and so on.

  • Pad your initial file name with enough zeros to complete the sequence. For example, if the first image is overlay_0.png, there can be only 10 images in the sequence, with the last image being overlay_9.png. But if the first image is overlay_00.png, there can be 100 images in the sequence.

  • Make sure that the number of images in your series matches the frame rate and your intended overlay duration. For example, if you want a 30-second overlay at 30 fps, you should have 900 .png images.