Components of the EMP Compatibility Package Builder - AWS End-of-Support Migration Program (EMP) for Windows Server

Components of the EMP Compatibility Package Builder

The installation directory of the Compatibility Package Builder includes the following files and folders.

  • Compatibility.Package.Builder.exe — the Package Builder program.

  • Compatibility.Package.Builder.cfg — Used to configure packager settings, such as file scan root directory.

  • Compatibility.Package.Builder.exe.config — Contains packager program settings, such as packager event logging level and dependencies, such as the .NET runtime version.

  • Compatibility.Package.Builder.log — Logs package builder events during packaging.

  • Compatibility.Package.CmdLineBuilder.exe — The CLI version of the Package Builder. Uses the PackageScript.xml as its response file.

  • Compatibility.Package.CmdLineBuilder.exe.config — Includes the CLI program settings, such as CLI event logging level and dependencies, such as the .NET runtime version.

  • EMP.GRP.exe — The GRP program.

  • EMP.GRP.exe.config — Used to configure the GRP program settings.

  • EULA.rtf and eula.base — The end-user-license-agreement files. the content of the .rtf file is copied into the .base file, which is saved as HTML in the package root folder.

  • ExclusionList.json — A configuration file that contains the list of files, folders, and registry keys that are ignored during scanning.

  • GRPExclusion.json — A configuration file that contains the list of files, folders, and registry keys that are ignored by the GRP program.

  • Open Source Licenses.txt — Contains the license for the open-source components in the Package Builder.

  • Images — Contains the graphic files used by the Package Builder application.

  • x64 (Engine Binaries) — Contains the EMP runtime files for packages to be deployed on a 64-bit system. When packaging is performed on a 64-bit machine, the contents of this folder are automatically copied into the root folder of the EMP package during the package build. An EMP package that was built on a 64-bit machine cannot be run on a 32-bit machine.

  • x86 (Engine Binaries) — Contains the EMP runtime files for packages to be deployed on a 32-bit system. When packaging is performed on a 32-bit machine, the contents of this folder are automatically copied into the root folder of the EMP package during the package build. An EMP package that was built on a 32-bit machine will run on a 64-bit machine, however, we recommend that you use the appropriate runtimes for the destination platform. This is automatically handled during the deployment process.

  • Tools — Contains three sets of tools that are available to EMP packages.

    • DiscoveryTool — A command line tool that can perform a limited discovery of a server.

      • Compatibility.Package.DiscoveryTool.exe -d "<InstallDirectory> — Writes a list of loaded COM servers and drivers in <Currentdirectory>\Report.json.

      • Compatibility.Package.DiscoveryTool.exe -l — Lists features and subfeatures of the tool in the command console.

    • Editor — Used to edit existing packages. This tool has a shortcut in the Start menu, where it goes by Compatibility Package Editor.

    • ReversePackagingTools (deprecated) — A command line tool set used in the reverse packaging process, a method of compatibility packaging used when application installation media is not available. This tool set is used during the first two stages of reverse packaging:

      1. Install media reverse engineering — A reverse engineered installation media, called a package source is generated from a working instance of the application on the server.

      2. EMP package build — The package source installation is then captured on a clean packaging server using the Compatibility Package Builder.

      • type <procmoncapture.CSV> | GeneratePackageSource.exe | RemoveKnownFolders.exe > <outputfilename.json> — Generates a manifest for the package source from the CSV file using RemoveKnownFolders.exe to remove common known system registry keys, files, and folders.

      • type <filteredoutputfilename.json> | ExportFromSystem.exe > <logfilename.txt> — Extracts the listed files, directories, and registry keys from the operating system and compresses them along with the remaining contents of the ReversePackagingTools folder into This file is a reverse-engineered installation media for the application.

      • type <filteredoutputfilename.json> | DeployToSystem.exe > <logfilename.txt> — Installs Package Source during the package build on the packaging server using the package builder.

    • IISTools — A set of command line scripts used to enable the automatic migration of legacy Windows IIS applications to a modern, supported version of Windows Server on AWS. For more information, see Package an IIS-based application.

    • SystemTrace — A command line tool used by GRP to capture runtime dependencies for the application being packaged. Supported only on Windows Server 2008 and later operating systems).