Use vertical autoscaling for Amazon EMR on EKS when you want automatic tuning of memory and CPU resources to adapt to your Amazon EMR Spark application workload. For more information, see Using vertical autoscaling with Amazon EMR Spark jobs.
Submitting a Spark job with vertical
When you submit a job through the StartJobRun API, add the following two configurations to the driver for your Spark job to turn on vertical autoscaling:
In the code above, the first line enables the vertical autoscaling capability. The next line is a required signature configuration that lets you choose a signature for your job.
For more information on these configurations and acceptable parameter values, see Configuring vertical autoscaling for Amazon EMR on EKS. By default, your job submits in the monitoring-only Off mode of vertical autoscaling. This monitoring state lets you compute and view resource recommendations without performing autoscaling. For more information, see Vertical autoscaling modes.
The following example shows how to complete a sample start-job-run
command with vertical autoscaling:
aws emr-containers start-job-run \
--virtual-cluster-id $VIRTUAL_CLUSTER_ID
--name $JOB_NAME
--execution-role-arn $EMR_ROLE_ARN
--release-label emr-6.10.0-latest
--job-driver '{
"sparkSubmitJobDriver": {
"entryPoint": "local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/"
}' \
--configuration-overrides '{
"applicationConfiguration": [{
"classification": "spark-defaults",
"properties": {
"": "true",
"": "test-signature
Verifying the vertical autoscaling
To verify that vertical autoscaling works correctly for the submitted job, use kubectl
to get the verticalpodautoscaler
custom resource and view your scaling
recommendations. For example, the following command queries for recommendations on the
example job from the Submitting a Spark job with vertical
autoscaling section:
kubectl get verticalpodautoscalers --all-namespaces \
The output from this query should resemble the following:
ds-jceyefkxnhrvdzw6djum3naf2abm6o63a6dvjkkedqtkhlrf25eq-vpa Off 3304504865 True 87m
If your output doesn't look similar or contains an error code, see Troubleshooting Amazon EMR on EKS vertical autoscaling for steps to help resolve the issue.