AWS managed policy: EMRDescribeClusterPolicyForEMRWAL - Amazon EMR

AWS managed policy: EMRDescribeClusterPolicyForEMRWAL

You can't attach EMRDescribeClusterPolicyForEMRWAL to your IAM entities. This policy is attached to a service-linked role that allows Amazon EMR to perform actions on your behalf. For more information on this service-linked role, see Using service-linked roles for write-ahead logging.

This policy grants read-only permissions that allow the WAL service for Amazon EMR to find and return the status of a cluster. For more information about Amazon EMR WAL, see Write-ahead logs (WAL) for Amazon EMR.

Permissions details

This policy includes the following permissions:

  • emr – Allows principals to describe cluster status from Amazon EMR. This is required so that Amazon EMR can confirm when a cluster has terminated and then, after thirty days, clean up any WAL logs left behind by the cluster.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "elasticmapreduce:DescribeCluster" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }