Selecting IOPS and throughput when migrating to gp3 - Amazon EMR

Selecting IOPS and throughput when migrating to gp3

When provisioning a gp2 volume, you must figure out the size of the volume in order to get the proportional IOPS and throughput. With gp3, you don’t have to provision a bigger volume to get higher performance. You can choose your desired size and performance according to application need. Selecting the right size and right performance parameters (IOPS, throughput) can provide you maximum cost reduction, without affecting performance.

Here is a table to help you select gp3 configuration options:

Volume size IOPS Throughput
1–170 GiB 3000 125 MiB/s
170–334 GiB 3000 125 MiB/s if the chosen EC2 instance type supports 125MiB/s or less, use higher as per usage, Max 250 MiB/s*.
334–1000 GiB 3000 125 MiB/s if the chosen EC2 instance type supports 125MiB/s or less, Use higher as per usage, Max 250 MiB/s*.
1000+ GiB Match gp2 IOPS (Size in GiB x 3) or Max IOPS driven by current gp2 volume 125 MiB/s if the chosen EC2 instance type supports 125MiB/s or less, Use higher as per usage, Max 250 MiB/s*.

*Gp3 has the capability to provide throughput up to 1000 MiB/s. Since gp2 provides a maximum of 250MiB/s throughput, you may not need to go beyond this limit when you use gp3.