Trino plugin for Ranger integration with Amazon EMR - Amazon EMR

Trino plugin for Ranger integration with Amazon EMR

Trino (previously PrestoSQL) is a SQL query engine that you can use to run queries on data sources such as HDFS, object storage, relational databases, and NoSQL databases. It eliminates the need to migrate data into a central location and allows you to query the data from wherever it sits. Amazon EMR provides an Apache Ranger plugin to provide fine-grained access controls for Trino. The plugin is compatible with open source Apache Ranger Admin server version 2.0 and later.

Supported features

The Apache Ranger plugin for Trino on Amazon EMR supports all the functionality of the Trino query engine that is protected by fine-grained access control. This includes database, table, column level access controls and row filtering and data masking. Apache Ranger policies can include grant policies and deny policies to users and groups. Audit events are also submitted to CloudWatch logs.

Installation of service configuration

The installation of the Trino service definition requires that the Ranger Admin server be set up. To set up the Ranger Admin sever, see Set up a Ranger Admin server to integrate with Amazon EMR.

Follow these steps to install the Trino service definition.

  1. SSH into the Apache Ranger Admin server.

    ssh ec2-user@ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.ec2.internal

  2. Uninstall the Presto server plugin, if it exists. Run the following command. If this errors out with a “Service not found” error, this means the Presto server plugin wasn't installed on your server. Proceed to the next step.

    curl -f -u *<admin users login>*:*_<_**_password_ **_for_** _ranger admin user_**_>_* -X DELETE -k 'https://*<RANGER SERVER ADDRESS>*:6182/service/public/v2/api/servicedef/name/presto'
  3. Download the service definition and Apache Ranger Admin server plugin. In a temporary directory, download the service definition. This service definition is supported by Ranger 2.x versions.

  4. Register the Apache Trino service definition for Amazon EMR.

    curl -u *<admin users login>*:*_<_**_password_ **_for_** _ranger admin user_**_>_* -X POST -d @ranger-servicedef-amazon-emr-trino.json \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -k 'https://*<RANGER SERVER ADDRESS>*:6182/service/public/v2/api/servicedef'

    If this command runs successfully, you see a new service in your Ranger Admin UI called TRINO, as shown in the following image.

    Ranger Admin create service.
  5. Create an instance of the TRINO application, entering the following information.

    Service Name: The service name that you'll use. The suggested value is amazonemrtrino. Note this service name, as it will be needed when creating an Amazon EMR security configuration.

    Display Name: The name to be displayed for this instance. The suggested value is amazonemrtrino.

    Ranger Admin display name.

    jdbc.driver.ClassName: The class name of JDBC class for Trino connectivity. You can use the default value.

    jdbc.url: The JDBC connection string to use when connecting to Trino coordinator.

    Common Name For Certificate: The CN field within the certificate used to connect to the admin server from a client plugin. This value must match the CN field in your TLS certificate that was created for the plugin.

    Ranger Admin common name.

    Note that the TLS certificate for this plugin should have been registered in the trust store on the Ranger Admin server. For more information, see TLS certificates.

Creating Trino policies

When you create a new policy, fill in the following fields.

Policy Name: The name of this policy.

Policy Label: A label that you can put on this policy.

Catalog: The catalog that this policy applies to. The wildcard "*" represents all catalogs.

Schema: The schemas that this policy applies to. The wildcard "*" represents all schemas.

Table: The tables that this policy applies to. The wildcard "*" represents all tables.

Column: The columns that this policy applies to. The wildcard "*" represents all columns.

Description: A description of this policy.

Other types of policies exist for the Trino User (for user impersonation access), the Trino System/Session Property (for altering engine system or session properties), Functions/Procedures (for allowing function or procedure calls), and the URL (for granting read/write access to the engine on data locations).

Ranger Admin create policy details.

To grant permissions to specific users and groups, enter the users and groups. You can also specify exclusions for allow conditions and deny conditions.

Ranger Admin policy details allow deny conditions.

After specifying the allow and deny conditions, choose Save.


When creating Trino policies within Apache Ranger, there are some usage considerations to be aware of.

Hive metadata server

The Hive metadata server can only be accessed by trusted engines, specifically the Trino engine, to protect against unauthorized access. The Hive metadata server is also accessed by all nodes on the cluster. The required port 9083 provides all nodes access to the main node.


By default, Trino is configured to authenticate using Kerberos as configured in the Amazon EMR security configuration.

In-transit encryption required

The Trino plugin requires you to have in-transit encryption enabled in the Amazon EMR security configuration. To enable encryption, see Encryption in transit.


The following are current limitations of the Trino plugin:

  • Ranger Admin server doesn't support auto-complete.