Define security groups to control EMR Studio network traffic - Amazon EMR

Define security groups to control EMR Studio network traffic

About the EMR Studio security groups

Amazon EMR Studio uses two security groups to control network traffic between Workspaces in the Studio and an attached Amazon EMR cluster running on Amazon EC2:

  • An engine security group that uses port 18888 to communicate with an attached Amazon EMR cluster running on Amazon EC2.

  • A Workspace security group associated with the Workspaces in a Studio. This security group includes an outbound HTTPS rule to allow the Workspace to route traffic to the internet and must allow outbound traffic to the internet on port 443 to enable linking Git repositories to a Workspace.

EMR Studio uses these security groups in addition to any security groups associated with an EMR cluster attached to a Workspace.

You must create these security groups when you use the AWS CLI to create a Studio.


You can customize the security groups for EMR Studio with rules tailored to your environment, but you must include the rules noted on this page. Your Workspace security group can't allow any inbound traffic, and the engine security group must allow inbound traffic from the Workspace security group.

Use the Default EMR Studio Security Groups

When you use the Amazon EMR console, you can choose the following default security groups. The default security groups are created by EMR Studio on your behalf, and include the minimum required inbound and outbound rules for Workspaces in an EMR Studio.

  • DefaultEngineSecurityGroup

  • DefaultWorkspaceSecurityGroupGit or DefaultWorkspaceSecurityGroupWithoutGit


To create the security groups for EMR Studio, you need an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for the Studio. You choose this VPC when you create the security groups. This should be the same VPC that you specify when you create the Studio. If you plan to use Amazon Amazon EMR on EKS with EMR Studio, choose the VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster worker nodes.


Follow the instructions in Creating a security group in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances to create an engine security group and a Workspace security group in your VPC. The security groups must include the rules summarized in the following tables.

When you create security groups for EMR Studio, note the IDs for both. You specify each security group by ID when you create a Studio.

Engine security group

EMR Studio uses port 18888 to communicate with an attached cluster.

Inbound rules
Type Protocol Port Destination Description
TCP TCP 18888 Your EMR Studio Workspace security group. Allow traffic from any resources in the Workspace security group for EMR Studio.
Workspace security group

This security group is associated with the Workspaces in an EMR Studio.

Outbound rules
Type Protocol Port Destination Description
TCP TCP 18888 Your EMR Studio engine security group. Allow traffic to any resources in the Engine security group for EMR Studio.
HTTPS TCP 443 Allow traffic to the internet to link publicly hosted Git repositories to Workspaces.