Optimize Spark jobs in EMR Studio - Amazon EMR

Optimize Spark jobs in EMR Studio

When running a Spark job using EMR Studio, there are a few steps you can take to help ensure that you're optimizing your Amazon EMR cluster resources.

Prolong your Livy session

If you use Apache Livy along with Spark on your Amazon EMR cluster, we recommend that you increase your Livy session timeout by doing one of the following:

  • When you create an Amazon EMR cluster, set this configuration classification in the Enter Configuration field.

    [ { "Classification": "livy-conf", "Properties": { "livy.server.session.timeout": "8h" } } ]
  • For an already-running EMR cluster, connect to your cluster using ssh and set the livy-conf configuration classification in /etc/livy/conf/livy.conf.

    [ { "Classification": "livy-conf", "Properties": { "livy.server.session.timeout": "8h" } } ]

    You may need to restart Livy after changing the configuration.

  • If you don't want your Livy session to time out at all, set the property livy.server.session.timeout-check to false in /etc/livy/conf/livy.conf.

Run Spark in cluster mode

In cluster mode, the Spark driver runs on a core node instead of on the primary node, improving resource utilization on the primary node.

To run your Spark application in cluster mode instead of the default client mode, choose Cluster mode when you set Deploy mode while configuring your Spark step in your new Amazon EMR cluster. For more information, see Cluster mode overview in the Apache Spark documentation.

Increase Spark driver memory

To increase the Spark driver memory, configure your Spark session using the %%configure magic command in your EMR notebook, as in the following example.

%%configure -f {"driverMemory": "6000M"}