Read restored objects - Amazon EMR

Read restored objects

With Amazon EMR release 7.2.0 and higher, you can read restored Glacier objects from the S3 location of the table with the S3A protocol. Engines in previous releases don't distinguish between Glacier and Glacier Deep Archive files, which means you would get an AmazonS3Exception if you tried to access an in-progress Glacier file with S3A. This read operation ignores archived Glacier files if they still in progress of being restored. To enable this behavior, use the setting This setting can be three values:

  • READ_ALL – this value indicates that Amazon EMR shouldn't account for the storage classes retrieved from Amazon S3. This is the default behavior.

  • SKIP_ALL_GLACIER – this value indicates that Amazon EMR should ignore any S3 objects that are tagged with the Glacier storage class and retrieve all other objects. This is the default behavior for Amazon Athena with respect to Glacier objects.

  • READ_RESTORED_GLACIER_OBJECTS – this value indicates that Amazon EMR should check the restored status of the Glacier object. If Amazon EMR can restore the object, you can read them like a normal S3 object. Otherwise, Amazon EMR ignores the object from S3 Glacier



To read restored objects when you use Spark, use the following configuration:


If you use spark-sql, use the following configuration instead;

spark-sql --conf<value>


If you use Flink, you can set the configuration in the flink-conf.yaml file <value>

You can also set the flink-conf classification:

[ { "Classification": "flink-conf", "Properties": { "":"<value>" } } ]


If you use Hive, set the configuration in the hive-site.xml file.

<property> <name></name> <value><value></value> </property>

You can also use the Hive CLI to set the property --hiveconf:

hive --hiveconf<value>


When you read restored objects from S3 Glacier, note the following considerations:

  • You can only read restored objects if you use the S3A scheme or the S3AFileSystem to access the data.

  • When you read a restored Glacier object, Amazon EMR doesn't restore the object itself. To do so, you must use the AWS CLI or the AWS SDK.