Enabling Hive EMRFS S3 optimized committer - Amazon EMR

Enabling Hive EMRFS S3 optimized committer

The Hive EMRFS S3 Optimized Committer is an alternative way using which EMR Hive writes files for insert queries when using EMRFS. The Committer eliminates list and rename operations done on Amazon S3 and improves application’s performance. The feature is available beginning with EMR 5.34 and EMR 6.5.

Enabling the committer

If you want to enable EMR Hive to use HiveEMRFSOptimizedCommitter to commit data as the default for all Hive managed and external tables, use the following hive-site configuration in EMR 6.5.0 or EMR 5.34.0 clusters.

[ { "classification": "hive-site", "properties": { "hive.blobstore.use.output-committer": "true" } } ]

Do not turn this feature on when hive.exec.parallel is set to true.


The following basic restrictions apply to tags:

  • Enabling Hive to merge small files automatically is not supported. The default Hive commit logic will be used even when the optimized committer is enabled.

  • Hive ACID tables are not supported. The default Hive commit logic will be used even when the optimized committer is enabled.

  • File naming nomenclature for files written is changed from Hive’s <task_id>_<attempt_id>_<copy_n> to <task_id>_<attempt_id>_<copy_n>_<query_id>. For example, a file named

    s3://warehouse/table/partition=1/000000_0 will be changed to s3://warehouse/table/partition=1/000000_0-hadoop_20210714130459_ba7c23ec-5695-4947-9d98-8a40ef759222-1. The query_id here is a combination of the username, time stamp, and UUID.

  • When custom partitions are on different file systems (HDFS, S3), this feature is automatically disabled. The default Hive commit logic will be used when enabled.